"Under Indiana law, ________ County (insert county) has sent provisional statements. The statement is due to be paid in installments on __________ (insert date) and ________ (insert date). The first installment is equal to fifty percent (50%) of your tax liability for taxes payable in ______ (insert year), subject to adjustment to the tax liability authorized by the department of local government finance and approved by the county treasurer. The second installment is either the amount specified in a reconciling statement that will be sent to you, or (if a reconciling statement is not sent until after the second installment is due) an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of your tax liability for taxes payable in ______ (insert year), subject to adjustment to the tax liability authorized by the department of local government finance and approved by the county treasurer. After the abstract of property is complete, you will receive a reconciling statement in the amount of your actual tax liability for taxes payable in ______ (insert year) minus the amount you pay under this provisional statement.";
"Under Indiana law, ________ County (insert county) has elected to send provisional statements for the territory of __________________ (insert cross-county entity) located in ________ County (insert county) because the property tax rate for ________________ (insert cross-county entity) was not available in time to prepare final tax statements. The statement is due to be paid in installments on __________ (insert date) and _________ (insert date). The statement is based on the property tax rate of _________________ (insert cross-county entity) for taxes first due and payable in _____ (insert immediately preceding calendar year). After the property tax rate of ________________ (insert cross-county entity) is determined, you will receive a reconciling statement in the amount of your actual tax liability for taxes payable in _____ (insert year) minus the amount you pay under this provisional statement.";
are determined after excluding from the property taxes first due and payable in the immediately preceding calendar year property taxes imposed by one (1) or more taxing units in which the tangible property is located that are attributable to a levy that no longer applies for property taxes first due and payable in the current calendar year.
IC 6-1.1-22.5-8