Section 6-1.1-20-3.7 - Political subdivision resolution to apply local public question process if no petition requested the application or in certain disaster, accident, or emergency circumstances(a) This section applies to the following:(1) The issuance of bonds or the entering into a lease for a controlled project: (A) to which section 3.5 of this chapter applies; and(B) for which a sufficient petition requesting the application of the local public question process under section 3.6 of this chapter has not been filed as set forth in section 3.5 of this chapter within the time required under section 3.5(b)(7) of this chapter.(2) The issuance of bonds or the entering into a lease for a capital project: (A) that is not a controlled project to which section 3.5 of this chapter applies; and(B) that would, but for the application of section 1.1(a)(6) of this chapter to the project, be a controlled project to which section 3.5 of this chapter applies.(b) If the proper officers of a political subdivision make a preliminary determination to issue bonds described in subsection (a) or enter into a lease described in subsection (a), the fiscal body of the political subdivision may adopt a resolution specifying that the local public question process specified in section 3.6 of this chapter applies to the issuance of the bonds or the entering into the lease, notwithstanding that:(1) a sufficient petition requesting the application of the local public question process under section 3.6 of this chapter has not been filed as set forth in section 3.5 of this chapter (in the case of bonds or a lease described in subsection (a)(1)); or(2) because of the application of section 1.1(a)(6) of this chapter, the bonds or lease is not considered to be issued or entered into for a controlled project (in the case of bonds or a lease described in subsection (a)(2)).(c) The following apply to the adoption of a resolution by the fiscal body of a political subdivision under subsection (b): (1) In the case of bonds or a lease described in subsection (a)(1) and for which no petition requesting the application of the local public question process under section 3.6 of this chapter has been filed within the time required under section 3.5(b)(7) of this chapter, the fiscal body must adopt the resolution not more than sixty (60) days after publication of the notice of the preliminary determination to issue the bonds or enter into the lease.(2) In the case of bonds or a lease described in subsection (a)(1) for which a petition requesting the application of the local public question process under section 3.6 of this chapter:(A) has been filed under section 3.5 of this chapter; and(B) is determined to have an insufficient number of signatures to require application of the local public question process under section 3.6 of this chapter; the fiscal body must adopt the resolution not more than thirty (30) days after the county voter registration office makes the final determination under section 3.5 of this chapter that a sufficient number of persons have not signed the petition.
(3) In the case of bonds or a lease described in subsection (a)(2), the fiscal body must adopt the resolution not more than thirty (30) days after publication of the notice of the preliminary determination to issue the bonds or enter into the lease.(4) The fiscal body shall certify the resolution to the county election board of each county in which the political subdivision is located, and the county election board shall place the public question on the ballot as provided in section 3.6 of this chapter.(d) Except to the extent it is inconsistent with this section, section 3.6 of this chapter applies to a local public question placed on the ballot under this section.Amended by P.L. 239-2023,SEC. 10, eff. 7/1/2023.As added by P.L. 182-2009 (ss), SEC.147.