Section 5-22-7-2 - Invitation for bids(a) A purchasing agent shall issue an invitation for bids.(b) An invitation for bids must include the following: (1) A purchase description.(2) All contractual terms and conditions that apply to the purchase.(3) A statement of the evaluation criteria that will be used, including any of the following: (F) Suitability for a particular purpose.(G) The requirement imposed under IC 5-22-3-5.(4) The time and place for opening the bids.(5) A statement concerning whether the bid must be accompanied by a certified check or other evidence of financial responsibility that may be imposed in accordance with rules or policies of the governmental body.(6) A statement concerning the conditions under which a bid may be canceled or rejected in whole or in part as specified under IC 5-22-18-2.As added by P.L. 49-1997, SEC.1.