Ind. Code § 36-7-4-1321

Current through P.L. 171-2024
Section 36-7-4-1321 - Fee schedule or formula; requirements; limitations
(a) An impact fee schedule or formula described in section 1320 of this chapter shall be prepared so that the impact fee resulting from the application of the schedule or formula to a development meets the requirements of this section. However, this section does not require that a particular methodology be used in preparing the schedule or formula.
(b) As used in this section, "impact costs" means a reasonable estimate, made at the time the impact fee is assessed, of the proportionate share of the costs incurred or to be incurred by the unit in providing infrastructure of the applicable type in the impact zone that are necessary to provide the community level of service for the development. The amount of impact costs may not include the costs of infrastructure of the applicable type needed to raise the current level of service in the impact zone to the community level of service in the impact zone for development that is existing at the time the impact fee is assessed.
(c) As used in this section, "nonlocal revenue" means a reasonable estimate, made at the time the impact fee is assessed, of revenue that:
(1) will be received from any source (including but not limited to state or federal grants) other than a local government source; and
(2) is to be used within the impact zone to defray the capital costs of providing infrastructure of the applicable type.
(d) As used in this section, "impact deductions" means a reasonable estimate, made at the time the impact fee is assessed, of the amounts from the following sources that will be paid during the ten (10) year period after assessment of the impact fee to defray the capital costs of providing infrastructure of the applicable types to serve a development:
(1) Taxes levied by the unit or on behalf of the unit by an applicable infrastructure agency that the fee payer and future owners of the development will pay for use within the geographic area of the unit.
(2) Charges and fees, other than fees paid by the fee payer under this chapter, that are imposed by any of the following for use within the geographic area of the unit:
(A) An applicable infrastructure agency.
(B) A governmental entity.
(C) A not-for-profit corporation created for governmental purposes.

Charges and fees covered by this subdivision include tap and availability charges paid for extension of services or the provision of infrastructure to the development.

(e) An impact fee on a development may not exceed:
(1) impact costs; minus
(2) the sum of nonlocal revenues and impact deductions.

IC 36-7-4-1321

As added by P.L. 221-1991, SEC.22.