Section 36-7-15.5-22 - Powers and duties of commission(a) The commission is responsible for taking certain official actions that are necessary to carry out an improvement and maintenance project as set forth in the resolution establishing the district or as provided in this chapter.(b) The commission may, with respect to the improvement and maintenance project or the improvement and maintenance district, do the following: (2) Adopt administrative procedures and bylaws.(3) Approve the acquisition of property (real, personal, or mixed) by deed, purchase, lease, condemnation, or otherwise and dispose of it for improvement and maintenance project purposes.(4) Approve receipt of gifts, donations, bequests, and public trusts, agree to conditions and terms accompanying them, and bind the district to carry them out.(5) Negotiate and execute contracts required to accomplish the purposes of this chapter.(6) Approve disbursements from the fund.(c) The commission may, by resolution, delegate to a city official the authority to approve, where the amount involved is less than five thousand dollars ($5,000), acquisition or disposition of property, disbursements, and contracts.As added by P.L. 194-1988, SEC.1. Amended by P.L. 2-1989, SEC.47.