Ind. Code § 36-7-15.1-35.5

Current through P.L. 171-2024
Section 36-7-15.1-35.5 - Supplemental housing program; allocation area; housing trust fund; permissible uses; housing trust fund advisory committee
(a) The general assembly finds the following:
(1) Federal law permits the sale of a multiple family housing project that is or has been covered, in whole or in part, by a contract for project based assistance from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development without requiring the continuation of that project based assistance.
(2) Such a sale displaces the former residents of a multiple family housing project described in subdivision (1) and increases the shortage of safe and affordable housing for persons of low and moderate income within the county.
(3) The displacement of families and individuals from affordable housing requires increased expenditures of public funds for crime prevention, public health and safety, fire and accident prevention, and other public services and facilities.
(4) The establishment of a supplemental housing program under this section will do the following:
(A) Benefit the health, safety, morals, and welfare of the county and the state.
(B) Serve to protect and increase property values in the county and the state.
(C) Benefit persons of low and moderate income by making affordable housing available to them.
(5) The establishment of a supplemental housing program under this section and sections 32 through 35 of this chapter is:
(A) necessary in the public interest; and
(B) a public use and purpose for which public money may be spent and private property may be acquired.
(b) In addition to its other powers with respect to a housing program under sections 32 through 35 of this chapter, the commission may establish a supplemental housing program. Except as provided by this section, the commission has the same powers and duties with respect to the supplemental housing program that the commission has under sections 32 through 35 of this chapter with respect to the housing program.
(c) One (1) allocation area may be established for the supplemental housing program. The commission is not required to make the findings required under section 34(5) through 34(7) of this chapter with respect to the allocation area. However, the commission must find that the property contained within the boundaries of the allocation area consists solely of one (1) or more multiple family housing projects that are or have been covered, in whole or in part, by a contract for project based assistance from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development or have been owned at one time by a public housing agency. The allocation area need not be contiguous. The definition of "base assessed value" set forth in section 35(a) of this chapter applies to the special fund established under section 26(b) of this chapter for the allocation area.
(d) The special fund established under section 26(b) of this chapter for the allocation area established under this section may be used only for the following purposes:
(1) Subject to subdivision (2), on January 1 and July 1 of each year the balance of the special fund shall be transferred to the housing trust fund established under subsection (e).
(2) The commission may provide each taxpayer in the allocation area a credit for property tax replacement in the manner provided by section 35(b)(7) of this chapter. Transfers made under subdivision (1) shall be reduced by the amount necessary to provide the credit.
(e) The commission shall, by resolution, establish a housing trust fund to be administered, subject to the terms of the resolution, by:
(1) the housing division of the consolidated city; or
(2) the department, division, or agency that has been designated to perform the public housing function by an ordinance adopted under IC 36-7-18-1.
(f) The housing trust fund consists of:
(1) amounts transferred to the fund under subsection (d);
(2) payments in lieu of taxes deposited in the fund under IC 36-3-2-12;
(3) gifts and grants to the fund;
(4) investment income earned on the fund's assets;
(5) money deposited in the fund under IC 36-2-7-10(k) or IC 36-2-7-10.7; and
(6) other funds from sources approved by the commission.
(g) The commission shall, by resolution, establish uses for the housing trust fund. However, the uses must be limited to:
(1) providing financial assistance to those individuals and families whose income is at or below eighty percent (80%) of the county's median income for individuals and families, respectively, to enable those individuals and families to purchase or lease residential units within the county;
(2) paying expenses of administering the fund;
(3) making grants, loans, and loan guarantees for the development, rehabilitation, or financing of affordable housing for individuals and families whose income is at or below eighty percent (80%) of the county's median income for individuals and families, respectively, including the elderly, persons with disabilities, and homeless individuals and families;
(4) providing technical assistance to nonprofit developers of affordable housing; and
(5) funding other programs considered appropriate to meet the affordable housing and community development needs of lower income families (as defined in IC 5-20-4-5) and very low income families (as defined in IC 5-20-4-6), including lower income elderly individuals, individuals with disabilities, and homeless individuals.
(h) After June 30, 2017, at least forty percent (40%) of the money deposited in the housing trust fund shall be used for the following purposes:
(1) To assist existing owner occupants with the repair, rehabilitation, or reconstruction of their homes.
(2) To finance the acquisition, rehabilitation, or new construction of homes for home buyers.
(3) To acquire, rehabilitate, or construct rental housing.
(i) At least fifty percent (50%) of the dollars allocated for production, rehabilitation, or purchase of housing must be used for units to be occupied by individuals and families whose income is at or below fifty percent (50%) of the county's area median income for individuals and families, respectively.
(j) The low income housing trust fund advisory committee is established. The low income housing trust fund advisory committee consists of eleven (11) members. The membership of the low income housing trust fund advisory committee is comprised of:
(1) one (1) member appointed by the mayor, to represent the interests of low income families;
(2) one (1) member appointed by the mayor, to represent the interests of owners of subsidized, multifamily housing communities;
(3) one (1) member appointed by the mayor, to represent the interests of banks and other financial institutions;
(4) one (1) member appointed by the mayor, of the department of metropolitan development;
(5) three (3) members representing the community at large appointed by the commission, from nominations submitted to the commission as a result of a general call for nominations from neighborhood associations, community based organizations, and other social services agencies;
(6) one (1) member appointed by and representing the Coalition for Homeless Intervention and Prevention of Greater Indianapolis;
(7) one (1) member appointed by and representing the Local Initiatives Support Corporation;
(8) one (1) member appointed by and representing the Indiana housing and community development authority; and
(9) one (1) member appointed by and representing the Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership.

Members of the low income housing trust fund advisory committee serve for a term of four (4) years, and are eligible for reappointment. If a vacancy exists on the committee, the appointing authority who appointed the former member whose position has become vacant shall appoint an individual to fill the vacancy. A committee member may be removed at any time by the appointing authority who appointed the committee member.

(k) The low income housing trust fund advisory committee shall make recommendations to the commission regarding:
(1) the development of policies and procedures for the uses of the low income housing trust fund; and
(2) long term sources of capital for the low income housing trust fund, including:
(A) revenue from:
(i) development ordinances;
(ii) fees; or
(iii) taxes;
(B) financial market based income;
(C) revenue derived from private sources; and
(D) revenue generated from grants, gifts, donations, or income in any other form, from a:
(i) government program;
(ii) foundation; or
(iii) corporation.
(l) The county treasurer shall invest the money in the fund not currently needed to meet the obligations of the fund in the same manner as other public funds may be invested.

IC 36-7-15.1-35.5

Amended by P.L. 126-2023,SEC. 3, eff. 7/1/2023.
Amended by P.L. 74-2021,SEC. 6, eff. 1/1/2022.
Amended by P.L. 17-2020,SEC. 4, eff. 7/1/2020.
Amended by P.L. 127-2017,SEC. 207, eff. 7/1/2017.
Amended by P.L. 181-2016, SEC. 42, eff. 7/1/2016.
Amended by P.L. 144-2013, SEC. 2, eff. 7/1/2013.
As added by P.L. 19-2000, SEC.3. Amended by P.L. 211-2007, SEC.48.