Section 35-44.2-1-5 - Interference with the department of child services ombudsman(a) A person who knowingly or intentionally: (1) interferes with or prevents the completion of the work of a department of child services ombudsman;(2) offers compensation to a department of child services ombudsman in an effort to affect the outcome of an investigation or a potential investigation;(3) retaliates against another person who provides information to a department of child services ombudsman; or(4) threatens a department of child services ombudsman, a person who has filed a complaint, or a person who provides information to a department of child services ombudsman, because of an investigation or potential investigation; commits interference with the department of child services ombudsman, a Class A misdemeanor.
(b) It is a defense to a prosecution under subsection (a) if the conduct is the expungement of records held by the department of child services that occurs by statutory mandate, judicial order or decree, administrative review or process, automatic operation of the Indiana Child Welfare Information System (ICWIS) computer system or any successor statewide automated child welfare information system, or in the normal course of business.Added by P.L. 126-2012, SEC. 55, eff. 7/1/2012.