Section 3-8-5-3 - Town committees(a) Each of the major political parties of the state shall have a committee in a town subject to this chapter known as the __________ town committee of the town of ____________ (designating the name of the party and the town).(b) A political party's town committee consists of the following individuals:(1) A registered voter of the town appointed by the political party's county chairman of the county containing the greatest percentage of the population of the town. The individual appointed under this subdivision is the chairman of the town committee. The county chairman may not appoint an individual who holds a town office for the town.(2) A registered voter of the town appointed by the political party's town chairman. The individual appointed under this subdivision is the secretary of the town committee.(c) A member of a town committee serves until the member's successor is appointed and qualified.(d) A member of the town committee serves at the pleasure of the appointing authority of the member.(e) The individual who is town chairman vacates the office whenever the individual becomes a candidate for a town office of the town.(f) A vacancy on the town committee shall be filled by the appointing authority of the member who vacated the committee.Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-2-7.5-3(a).
As added by P.L. 5-1986, SEC.4. Amended by P.L. 3-1987, SEC.112; P.L. 4-1996, SEC.26.