Section 24-4-16-6 - Dealer records; inspection(a) A dealer shall keep a record book that contains the following information concerning architectural salvage material received by the dealer: (1) An accurate description of any architectural salvage material received by the dealer. If multiple articles of a similar nature that do not contain an identification or serial number are delivered together in one (1) transaction to the dealer, the description of the articles is adequate if the description contains: (A) the quantity of the articles delivered; and(B) a physical description of the type of articles delivered, including any unique identifying marks, numbers, names, letters, or special features.(2) The date and time of the transaction.(3) The: (A) name, address, date of birth, and telephone number; and(B) signature; of the person who sold or otherwise transferred ownership of the architectural salvage material to the dealer.
(4) The: (A) type of government issued identification used to verify the identity of the person who sold or otherwise transferred ownership of the architectural salvage material to the dealer as described in section 4 of this chapter;(B) name of the governmental agency that issued the identification; and(C) identification number printed on the government issued identification.(b) The record book described in subsection (a) must be open to inspection by a law enforcement officer at all reasonable times.(c) A dealer shall retain a record book described in subsection (a) for at least two (2) years after the date of the most recent transaction recorded in the book.As added by P.L. 63-2008, SEC.1.