Section 21-12-3-9.2 - Requirement to meet with intermediary, employer, or labor organization; background check; waiver; annual report(a) As used in this section, "intermediary" has the meaning set forth in IC 21-18-1-3.5.(b) As used in this section, "labor organization" has the meaning set forth in IC 22-6-6-5.(c) Except as provided in subsection (g), a student who receives an award under this chapter shall, during the: (1) first undergraduate academic year that the student receives an award under this chapter; and(2) third undergraduate academic year that the student receives an award under this chapter; meet with at least one (1) intermediary, employer, or labor organization for not less than thirty (30) minutes to discuss current and future career opportunities and the necessary education levels for various careers.
(d) For purposes of subsection (c), a student may meet only with an intermediary, an employer, or a labor organization that is included on the list prepared under IC 21-18-19-1.(e) The meeting required under subsection (c) must occur at a time and place convenient for the student. The approved postsecondary educational institution at which the student is enrolled in courses shall, upon request by the student, provide space for the meeting on property owned, used, or occupied by the educational institution.(f) Before meeting with a student under subsection (c), an employer, individual employed by an intermediary, or individual employed by a labor organization must pass any background checks required by the approved postsecondary educational institution at which the student is enrolled in courses.(g) If the approved postsecondary educational institution at which the student is enrolled in courses determines that no intermediaries, employers, or labor organizations are willing to meet with students under subsection (c), the educational institution may submit to the commission for higher education a written request to waive the meeting requirement.(h) An intermediary, an employer, or a labor organization that meets with a student under subsection (c) shall submit an annual report to the commission for higher education in the manner established by the commission for higher education under IC 21-18-19-1.Added by P.L. 202-2023,SEC. 72, eff. 7/1/2023.