Ind. Code § 15-17-5-4

Current through P.L. 171-2024
Section 15-17-5-4 - Duties of board

To accomplish the objectives of this chapter, the board or an agent of the board may do the following:

(1) Require by rules the following:
(A) Antemortem inspection and postmortem inspection of livestock and poultry slaughtered for distribution as human food.
(B) Except for the operations of establishments exempt under section 11 of this chapter, the quarantine, segregation, and inspection of livestock and poultry slaughtered, and of livestock products and poultry products processed or prepared for distribution at all establishments in Indiana.
(2) Require by rules the following:
(A) The identification of livestock and poultry for inspection purposes.
(B) The marking and labeling of livestock products, poultry products, livestock and poultry product containers, or both the product and containers as:
(i) "Indiana Inspected and Passed" if the products are found upon inspection to be not adulterated;
(ii) "Indiana Inspected and Condemned" if the products are found upon inspection to be adulterated; or
(iii) "Not for Sale" if the products are produced under an exemption from inspection.
(C) The destruction for food purposes of all condemned products under the supervision of an inspector.
(3) Prohibit the entry into official establishments of livestock products and poultry products not prepared under federal inspection or inspection under this chapter and further limit the entry of the products and other materials into official establishments under conditions that the board considers necessary to effectuate the purposes of this chapter.
(4) Require by rules that when livestock products and poultry products leave official establishments, the products bear directly on the products or on the containers, or both, as the board requires, all information necessary to prevent a product from being misbranded, and that all labeling and containers to be used for the products when sold or transported in commerce be approved by the board to ensure that the products comply with this chapter.
(5) Investigate the sanitary conditions of each establishment and withdraw or refuse to provide inspection service at an establishment where the sanitary conditions are such as to make adulterated any livestock products or poultry products prepared or handled at the establishment.
(6) Adopt rules concerning sanitation for all establishments, including custom slaughterers or processors, engaged in the slaughtering of livestock or poultry or preparing meat food products or poultry products capable of use as human food.
(7) Require by rules that the following persons keep records that fully and correctly disclose all transactions involving meat food products and poultry products:
(A) Persons in the business of slaughtering livestock or poultry or preparing, freezing, packaging, labeling, buying, selling (as dealers, wholesalers, or other similar persons), transporting, or storing any livestock products or poultry products for human or animal food.
(B) Persons in business as renderers or in the business of buying, selling, or transporting dead, dying, disabled, or diseased livestock or poultry, or parts of the carcasses of animals, including poultry, that died other than by slaughter.

The board shall adopt rules that require persons described under clauses (A) and (B) to give the state veterinarian access to the places of business, an opportunity at all reasonable times to examine the facilities, inventory, and records, an opportunity to copy the records, and an opportunity to take reasonable samples of the inventory.

(8) If necessary to permit interstate shipment, enter into reciprocal agreements with states adjoining Indiana and the United States Department of Agriculture concerning the inspection of livestock, poultry, and other animals.

IC 15-17-5-4

Pre-2008 Recodification Citation: 15-2.1-24-6.

As added by P.L. 2-2008, SEC.8.