Section 15-17-11-29 - Collection service license: denial(a) If an applicant's application to operate a collection service under section 26 of this chapter does not comply with this chapter, the state veterinarian shall notify the applicant that the applicant's application does not comply with the requirements of this chapter and specifically indicate why the application does not comply. An application that does not comply with this chapter must be placed on hold for not more than sixty (60) days during which time the applicant may provide additional information showing the deficiencies have been corrected.(b) After notification by the applicant that the deficiencies have been corrected, the state veterinarian shall promptly determine if the applicant is entitled to a license.(c) If the state veterinarian again determines the applicant is not entitled to a license, the state veterinarian may deny the request for a license. If an application is denied, an applicant may reapply by submitting the information and fees required under this chapter.Pre-2008 Recodification Citation: 15-2.1-16-30.
As added by P.L. 2-2008, SEC.8.