Section 765 ILCS 67/20 - Recording of contract required(a) Within 10 business days of the date of sale of any residential real estate subject to an installment sales contract, and prior to any subsequent sale or other transfer of any interest in the residential real estate or contract by the seller, the seller shall record the contract or a memorandum of the contract with the county recorder of deeds. A memorandum of the contract shall be titled "Memorandum of an Installment Sales Contract" either in capital letters or underscored above the body of the memorandum. At a minimum, the memorandum of the contract shall include: the address, permanent index number, and legal description of the residential real estate subject to the contract; the names of the buyer and seller; and the date the contract was executed. The memorandum of the contract shall be signed by the buyer and the seller with the signatures notarized. However, any provision in an installment sales contract that forbids the buyer to record the contract or a memorandum of the contract is void and unenforceable.(b) If the seller fails to record the contract or the memorandum of the contract as required by subsection (a) of this Section, the buyer has the right to rescind the contract until such time as the seller records the contract. If the seller fails to record the contract or the memorandum of the contract and title to the property becomes clouded for any reason that may affect the ability of the seller to comply with the terms of the installment sales contract regarding the conveyance of marketable title to the buyer, the buyer has the option to rescind, not just before the seller records, but at any time within 90 days of discovering the title problem.(c) Upon rescission under this Section, the seller shall refund to the buyer all money paid to the seller as of the date of rescission. This Section does not limit any other remedies provided to the buyer by this Act or State law.Added by P.A. 100-0416,§ 20, eff. 1/1/2018.