750 ILCS 46/813

Current through Public Act 103-593
Section 750 ILCS 46/813 - Support payments; receiving and disbursing agents
(a) In an action filed in a county with less than 3,000,000 inhabitants in which an order for child support is entered, and in supplementary proceedings to enforce or vary the terms of the order arising out of an action filed in such a county, the court, except in actions or supplementary proceedings in which the pregnancy and delivery expenses of the mother or the child support payments are for a recipient of aid under the Illinois Public Aid Code, shall direct that child support payments be made to the clerk of the circuit court, unless in the discretion of the court exceptional circumstances warrant otherwise. In cases where payment is to be made to persons other than the clerk of the circuit court, the judgment or order of support shall set forth the facts of the exceptional circumstances.
(b) In an action filed in a county of 3,000,000 or more inhabitants in which an order for child support is entered, and in supplementary proceedings to enforce or vary the terms of the order arising out of an action filed in such a county, the court, except in actions or supplementary proceedings in which the pregnancy and delivery expenses of the mother or the child support payments are for a recipient of aid under the Illinois Public Aid Code, shall direct that child support payments be made either to the clerk of the circuit court or to the Court Service Division of the Department of Human Services local office or offices or its successor or to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, unless in the discretion of the court exceptional circumstances warrant otherwise. In cases where payment is to be made to persons other than the clerk of the circuit court, the Court Service Division of the Department of Human Services local office or offices or its successor, or the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, the judgment or order of support shall set forth the facts of the exceptional circumstances.
(c) When the action or supplementary proceeding is on behalf of a mother for pregnancy and delivery expenses or for child support, or both, and the mother, child, or both, are recipients of aid under the Illinois Public Aid Code, the court shall order that the payments be made directly to (1) the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, if the mother or child, or both, are recipients under Article IV or V of the Illinois Public Aid Code; or (2) the local governmental unit responsible for the support of the mother or child, or both, if they are recipients under Article VI of the Illinois Public Aid Code. In accordance with federal law and regulations, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services may continue to collect current maintenance payments or child support payments, or both, after those persons cease to receive public assistance and until termination of services under Article X of the Illinois Public Aid Code. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall pay the net amount collected to those persons after deducting any costs incurred in making the collection or any collection fee from the amount of any recovery made. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services or the local governmental unit, as the case may be, may direct that payments be made directly to the mother of the child, or to some other person or agency on the child's behalf, upon the removal of the mother and child from the public aid rolls or upon termination of services under Article X of the Illinois Public Aid Code; upon such direction, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services or the local governmental unit shall give notice of the action to the court in writing or by electronic transmission.
(d) All clerks of the circuit court and the Court Service Division of the Department of Human Services local office or offices or its successor and the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, receiving child support payments under subsection (a) or (b) shall disburse the payments to the person or persons entitled to the payments under the terms of the order. The entity disbursing the payments shall establish and maintain clear and current records of all moneys received and disbursed and of defaults and delinquencies in required payments. The court, by order or rule, shall make provision for the carrying out of these duties. Payments under this Section to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services made pursuant to the Child Support Enforcement Program established by Title IV-D of the Social Security Act shall be paid into the Child Support Enforcement Trust Fund. All payments under this Section to the Illinois Department of Human Services shall be deposited in the DHS Recoveries Trust Fund. Disbursement from these funds shall be as provided in the Illinois Public Aid Code. Payments received by a local governmental unit shall be deposited in that unit's General Assistance Fund.
(e) The moneys received by persons or agencies designated by the court shall be disbursed by them in accordance with the order. However, the court, on petition of the State's Attorney, may enter new orders designating the clerk of the circuit court or the Department of Healthcare and Family Services as the person or agency authorized to receive and disburse child support payments and, in the case of a recipient of public aid, the court, on petition of the Attorney General or State's Attorney, shall direct subsequent payments to be paid to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services or to the appropriate local governmental unit, as provided in subsection (c) of this Section. Payments of child support by principals or sureties on bonds or proceeds of any sale for the enforcement of a judgment shall be made to the clerk of the circuit court, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, or the appropriate local governmental unit, as required by this Section.
(f) For those cases in which child support is payable to the clerk of the circuit court for transmittal to the Department of Healthcare and Family Services by order of court or upon notification by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, the clerk of the circuit court shall transmit all payments, within 4 working days of receipt, to insure that funds are available for immediate distribution by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services to the person or entity entitled to them in accordance with the Child Support Enforcement Program under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act. The clerk of the circuit court shall notify the Department of Healthcare and Family Services of the date of receipt and the amount of the funds at the time of transmittal. If the clerk of the circuit court has entered into an agreement of cooperation with the Department of Healthcare and Family Services to record the terms of child support orders and payments made thereunder directly into the Department's automated data processing system, the clerk of the circuit court shall account for, transmit and otherwise distribute child support payments in accordance with the agreement in lieu of the requirements contained in this Section.
(g) To the extent the provisions of this Section are inconsistent with the requirements pertaining to the State Disbursement Unit under Section 815 of this Act and Section 10-26 of the Illinois Public Aid Code, the requirements pertaining to the State Disbursement Unit shall apply.

750 ILCS 46/813

Added by P.A. 099-0085,§ 813, eff. 1/1/2016.