240 ILCS 40/20-25

Current through Public Act 103-593
Section 240 ILCS 40/20-25 - Refusal of licensee to allow liquidation
(a) If, after a failure, the failed licensee does not transfer control of the grain assets to the Trustee, the Director may, in conjunction with the authority granted in this Code and in Section 205-410 of the Department of Agriculture Law (20 ILCS 205/205-410), file a complaint and apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for a temporary restraining order, a preliminary injunction, or a permanent injunction to be entered without bond to carry out the provisions of this Code.
(b) If a party seeks relief from a court of competent jurisdiction that would enjoin, restrain, stay, or otherwise resist either (1) an administrative order of the Department that suspends, revokes, or denies renewal of a license under this Code or (2) an action brought by the Department relating to liquidation of a licensee, the court shall require the party requesting the relief to provide a bond as provided for in the Code of Civil Procedure. The bond shall be in an amount adequate to assure that all producers and depositors will be paid while the licensee is operating following suspension, revocation, or denial of renewal of a license under the judicial relief for grain sold to or stored with the licensee. The bond shall be in a minimum amount sufficient to satisfy all existing grain obligations of the licensee for grain purchased, sold, or stored. In setting the amount of the bond, the court shall consider increasing the amount of the bond based upon a consideration of other factors, including, but not limited to, the total dollar amount of grain purchased annually by the licensee and the value of the storage obligations of the licensee.

240 ILCS 40/20-25

P.A. 91-239, eff. 1/1/2000.