235 ILCS 5/3-12

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 235 ILCS 5/3-12 - Powers and duties of State Commission
(a) The State Commission shall have the following powers, functions, and duties:
(1) To receive applications and to issue licenses to manufacturers, foreign importers, importing distributors, distributors, non-resident dealers, on premise consumption retailers, off premise sale retailers, special event retailer licensees, special use permit licenses, auction liquor licenses, brew pubs, caterer retailers, non-beverage users, railroads, including owners and lessees of sleeping, dining and cafe cars, airplanes, boats, brokers, and wine maker's premises licensees in accordance with the provisions of this Act, and to suspend or revoke such licenses upon the State Commission's determination, upon notice after hearing, that a licensee has violated any provision of this Act or any rule or regulation issued pursuant thereto and in effect for 30 days prior to such violation. Except in the case of an action taken pursuant to a violation of Section 6-3, 6-5, or 6-9, any action by the State Commission to suspend or revoke a licensee's license may be limited to the license for the specific premises where the violation occurred. An action for a violation of this Act shall be commenced by the State Commission within 2 years after the date the State Commission becomes aware of the violation.

In lieu of suspending or revoking a license, the commission may impose a fine, upon the State Commission's determination and notice after hearing, that a licensee has violated any provision of this Act or any rule or regulation issued pursuant thereto and in effect for 30 days prior to such violation.

For the purpose of this paragraph (1), when determining multiple violations for the sale of alcohol to a person under the age of 21, a second or subsequent violation for the sale of alcohol to a person under the age of 21 shall only be considered if it was committed within 5 years after the date when a prior violation for the sale of alcohol to a person under the age of 21 was committed.

The fine imposed under this paragraph may not exceed $500 for each violation. Each day that the activity, which gave rise to the original fine, continues is a separate violation. The maximum fine that may be levied against any licensee, for the period of the license, shall not exceed $20,000. The maximum penalty that may be imposed on a licensee for selling a bottle of alcoholic liquor with a foreign object in it or serving from a bottle of alcoholic liquor with a foreign object in it shall be the destruction of that bottle of alcoholic liquor for the first 10 bottles so sold or served from by the licensee. For the eleventh bottle of alcoholic liquor and for each third bottle thereafter sold or served from by the licensee with a foreign object in it, the maximum penalty that may be imposed on the licensee is the destruction of the bottle of alcoholic liquor and a fine of up to $50.

Any notice issued by the State Commission to a licensee for a violation of this Act or any notice with respect to settlement or offer in compromise shall include the field report, photographs, and any other supporting documentation necessary to reasonably inform the licensee of the nature and extent of the violation or the conduct alleged to have occurred. The failure to include such required documentation shall result in the dismissal of the action.

(2) To adopt such rules and regulations consistent with the provisions of this Act which shall be necessary to carry on its functions and duties to the end that the health, safety and welfare of the People of the State of Illinois shall be protected and temperance in the consumption of alcoholic liquors shall be fostered and promoted and to distribute copies of such rules and regulations to all licensees affected thereby.
(3) To call upon other administrative departments of the State, county and municipal governments, county and city police departments and upon prosecuting officers for such information and assistance as it deems necessary in the performance of its duties.
(4) To recommend to local commissioners rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the law, for the distribution and sale of alcoholic liquors throughout the State.
(5) To inspect, or cause to be inspected, any premises in this State where alcoholic liquors are manufactured, distributed, warehoused, or sold. Nothing in this Act authorizes an agent of the State Commission to inspect private areas within the premises without reasonable suspicion or a warrant during an inspection. "Private areas" include, but are not limited to, safes, personal property, and closed desks.
(5.1) Upon receipt of a complaint or upon having knowledge that any person is engaged in business as a manufacturer, importing distributor, distributor, or retailer without a license or valid license, to conduct an investigation. If, after conducting an investigation, the State Commission is satisfied that the alleged conduct occurred or is occurring, it may issue a cease and desist notice as provided in this Act, impose civil penalties as provided in this Act, notify the local liquor authority, or file a complaint with the State's Attorney's Office of the county where the incident occurred or the Attorney General.
(5.2) Upon receipt of a complaint or upon having knowledge that any person is shipping alcoholic liquor into this State from a point outside of this State if the shipment is in violation of this Act, to conduct an investigation. If, after conducting an investigation, the State Commission is satisfied that the alleged conduct occurred or is occurring, it may issue a cease and desist notice as provided in this Act, impose civil penalties as provided in this Act, notify the foreign jurisdiction, or file a complaint with the State's Attorney's Office of the county where the incident occurred or the Attorney General.
(5.3) To receive complaints from licensees, local officials, law enforcement agencies, organizations, and persons stating that any licensee has been or is violating any provision of this Act or the rules and regulations issued pursuant to this Act. Such complaints shall be in writing, signed and sworn to by the person making the complaint, and shall state with specificity the facts in relation to the alleged violation. If the State Commission has reasonable grounds to believe that the complaint substantially alleges a violation of this Act or rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this Act, it shall conduct an investigation. If, after conducting an investigation, the State Commission is satisfied that the alleged violation did occur, it shall proceed with disciplinary action against the licensee as provided in this Act.
(5.4) To make arrests and issue notices of civil violations where necessary for the enforcement of this Act.
(5.5) To investigate any and all unlicensed activity.
(5.6) To impose civil penalties or fines to any person who, without holding a valid license, engages in conduct that requires a license pursuant to this Act, in an amount not to exceed $20,000 for each offense as determined by the State Commission. A civil penalty shall be assessed by the State Commission after a hearing is held in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Act regarding the provision of a hearing for the revocation or suspension of a license.
(6) To hear and determine appeals from orders of a local commission in accordance with the provisions of this Act, as hereinafter set forth. Hearings under this subsection shall be held in Springfield or Chicago, at whichever location is the more convenient for the majority of persons who are parties to the hearing.
(7) The State Commission shall establish uniform systems of accounts to be kept by all retail licensees having more than 4 employees, and for this purpose the State Commission may classify all retail licensees having more than 4 employees and establish a uniform system of accounts for each class and prescribe the manner in which such accounts shall be kept. The State Commission may also prescribe the forms of accounts to be kept by all retail licensees having more than 4 employees, including, but not limited to, accounts of earnings and expenses and any distribution, payment, or other distribution of earnings or assets, and any other forms, records, and memoranda which in the judgment of the commission may be necessary or appropriate to carry out any of the provisions of this Act, including, but not limited to, such forms, records, and memoranda as will readily and accurately disclose at all times the beneficial ownership of such retail licensed business. The accounts, forms, records, and memoranda shall be available at all reasonable times for inspection by authorized representatives of the State Commission or by any local liquor control commissioner or his or her authorized representative. The commission may, from time to time, alter, amend, or repeal, in whole or in part, any uniform system of accounts, or the form and manner of keeping accounts.
(8) In the conduct of any hearing authorized to be held by the State Commission, to appoint, at the commission's discretion, hearing officers to conduct hearings involving complex issues or issues that will require a protracted period of time to resolve, to examine, or cause to be examined, under oath, any licensee, and to examine or cause to be examined the books and records of such licensee; to hear testimony and take proof material for its information in the discharge of its duties hereunder; to administer or cause to be administered oaths; for any such purpose to issue subpoena or subpoenas to require the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, which shall be effective in any part of this State, and to adopt rules to implement its powers under this paragraph (8).

Any circuit court may, by order duly entered, require the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant books subpoenaed by the State Commission and the court may compel obedience to its order by proceedings for contempt.

(9) To investigate the administration of laws in relation to alcoholic liquors in this and other states and any foreign countries, and to recommend from time to time to the Governor and through him or her to the legislature of this State, such amendments to this Act, if any, as it may think desirable and as will serve to further the general broad purposes contained in Section 1-2 hereof.
(10) To adopt such rules and regulations consistent with the provisions of this Act which shall be necessary for the control, sale, or disposition of alcoholic liquor damaged as a result of an accident, wreck, flood, fire, or other similar occurrence.
(11) To develop industry educational programs related to responsible serving and selling, particularly in the areas of overserving consumers and illegal underage purchasing and consumption of alcoholic beverages.
(11.1) To license persons providing education and training to alcohol beverage sellers and servers for mandatory and non-mandatory training under the Beverage Alcohol Sellers and Servers Education and Training (BASSET) programs and to develop and administer a public awareness program in Illinois to reduce or eliminate the illegal purchase and consumption of alcoholic beverage products by persons under the age of 21. Application for a license shall be made on forms provided by the State Commission.
(12) To develop and maintain a repository of license and regulatory information.
(13) (Blank).
(14) On or before April 30, 2008 and every 2 years thereafter, the State Commission shall present a written report to the Governor and the General Assembly that shall be based on a study of the impact of Public Act 95-634 on the business of soliciting, selling, and shipping wine from inside and outside of this State directly to residents of this State. As part of its report, the State Commission shall provide all of the following information:
(A) The amount of State excise and sales tax revenues generated.
(B) The amount of licensing fees received.
(C) The number of cases of wine shipped from inside and outside of this State directly to residents of this State.
(D) The number of alcohol compliance operations conducted.
(E) The number of winery shipper's licenses issued.
(F) The number of each of the following: reported violations; cease and desist notices issued by the Commission; notices of violations issued by the Commission and to the Department of Revenue; and notices and complaints of violations to law enforcement officials, including, without limitation, the Illinois Attorney General and the U.S. Department of Treasury's Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.
(15) As a means to reduce the underage consumption of alcoholic liquors, the State Commission shall conduct alcohol compliance operations to investigate whether businesses that are soliciting, selling, and shipping wine from inside or outside of this State directly to residents of this State are licensed by this State or are selling or attempting to sell wine to persons under 21 years of age in violation of this Act.
(16) The State Commission shall, in addition to notifying any appropriate law enforcement agency, submit notices of complaints or violations of Sections 6-29 and 6-29.1 by persons who do not hold a winery shipper's license under this Act to the Illinois Attorney General and to the U.S. Department of Treasury's Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.
(A) A person licensed to make wine under the laws of another state who has a winery shipper's license under this Act and annually produces less than 25,000 gallons of wine or a person who has a first-class or second-class wine manufacturer's license, a first-class or second-class wine-maker's license, or a limited wine manufacturer's license under this Act and annually produces less than 25,000 gallons of wine may make application to the Commission for a self-distribution exemption to allow the sale of not more than 5,000 gallons of the exemption holder's wine to retail licensees per year and to sell cider, mead, or both cider and mead to brewers, class 1 brewers, class 2 brewers, and class 3 brewers that, pursuant to subsection (e) of Section 6-4 of this Act, sell beer, cider, mead, or any combination thereof to non-licensees at their breweries.
(B) In the application, which shall be sworn under penalty of perjury, such person shall state (1) the date it was established; (2) its volume of production and sales for each year since its establishment; (3) its efforts to establish distributor relationships; (4) that a self-distribution exemption is necessary to facilitate the marketing of its wine; and (5) that it will comply with the liquor and revenue laws of the United States, this State, and any other state where it is licensed.
(C) The State Commission shall approve the application for a self-distribution exemption if such person: (1) is in compliance with State revenue and liquor laws; (2) is not a member of any affiliated group that produces directly or indirectly more than 25,000 gallons of wine per annum, 930,000 gallons of beer per annum, or 50,000 gallons of spirits per annum; (3) will not annually produce for sale more than 25,000 gallons of wine, 930,000 gallons of beer, or 50,000 gallons of spirits; and (4) will not annually sell more than 5,000 gallons of its wine to retail licensees.
(D) A self-distribution exemption holder shall annually certify to the State Commission its production of wine in the previous 12 months and its anticipated production and sales for the next 12 months. The State Commission may fine, suspend, or revoke a self-distribution exemption after a hearing if it finds that the exemption holder has made a material misrepresentation in its application, violated a revenue or liquor law of Illinois, exceeded production of 25,000 gallons of wine, 930,000 gallons of beer, or 50,000 gallons of spirits in any calendar year, or become part of an affiliated group producing more than 25,000 gallons of wine, 930,000 gallons of beer, or 50,000 gallons of spirits.
(E) Except in hearings for violations of this Act or Public Act 95-634 or a bona fide investigation by duly sworn law enforcement officials, the State Commission, or its agents, the State Commission shall maintain the production and sales information of a self-distribution exemption holder as confidential and shall not release such information to any person.
(F) The State Commission shall issue regulations governing self-distribution exemptions consistent with this Section and this Act.
(G) Nothing in this paragraph (17) shall prohibit a self-distribution exemption holder from entering into or simultaneously having a distribution agreement with a licensed Illinois distributor.
(H) It is the intent of this paragraph (17) to promote and continue orderly markets. The General Assembly finds that, in order to preserve Illinois' regulatory distribution system, it is necessary to create an exception for smaller makers of wine as their wines are frequently adjusted in varietals, mixes, vintages, and taste to find and create market niches sometimes too small for distributor or importing distributor business strategies. Limited self-distribution rights will afford and allow smaller makers of wine access to the marketplace in order to develop a customer base without impairing the integrity of the 3-tier system.
(A) A class 1 brewer licensee, who must also be either a licensed brewer or licensed non-resident dealer and annually manufacture less than 930,000 gallons of beer, may make application to the State Commission for a self-distribution exemption to allow the sale of not more than 232,500 gallons per year of the exemption holder's beer to retail licensees and to brewers, class 1 brewers, and class 2 brewers that, pursuant to subsection (e) of Section 6-4 of this Act, sell beer, cider, mead, or any combination thereof to non-licensees at their breweries.
(B) In the application, which shall be sworn under penalty of perjury, the class 1 brewer licensee shall state (1) the date it was established; (2) its volume of beer manufactured and sold for each year since its establishment; (3) its efforts to establish distributor relationships; (4) that a self-distribution exemption is necessary to facilitate the marketing of its beer; and (5) that it will comply with the alcoholic beverage and revenue laws of the United States, this State, and any other state where it is licensed.
(C) Any application submitted shall be posted on the State Commission's website at least 45 days prior to action by the State Commission. The State Commission shall approve the application for a self-distribution exemption if the class 1 brewer licensee: (1) is in compliance with the State, revenue, and alcoholic beverage laws; (2) is not a member of any affiliated group that manufactures, directly or indirectly, more than 930,000 gallons of beer per annum, 25,000 gallons of wine per annum, or 50,000 gallons of spirits per annum; (3) shall not annually manufacture for sale more than 930,000 gallons of beer, 25,000 gallons of wine, or 50,000 gallons of spirits; (4) shall not annually sell more than 232,500 gallons of its beer to retail licensees and class 3 brewers and to brewers, class 1 brewers, and class 2 brewers that, pursuant to subsection (e) of Section 6-4 of this Act, sell beer, cider, mead, or any combination thereof to non-licensees at their breweries; and (5) has relinquished any brew pub license held by the licensee, including any ownership interest it held in the licensed brew pub.
(D) A self-distribution exemption holder shall annually certify to the State Commission its manufacture of beer during the previous 12 months and its anticipated manufacture and sales of beer for the next 12 months. The State Commission may fine, suspend, or revoke a self-distribution exemption after a hearing if it finds that the exemption holder has made a material misrepresentation in its application, violated a revenue or alcoholic beverage law of Illinois, exceeded the manufacture of 930,000 gallons of beer, 25,000 gallons of wine, or 50,000 gallons of spirits in any calendar year or became part of an affiliated group manufacturing more than 930,000 gallons of beer, 25,000 gallons of wine, or 50,000 gallons of spirits.
(E) The State Commission shall issue rules and regulations governing self-distribution exemptions consistent with this Act.
(F) Nothing in this paragraph (18) shall prohibit a self-distribution exemption holder from entering into or simultaneously having a distribution agreement with a licensed Illinois importing distributor or a distributor. If a self-distribution exemption holder enters into a distribution agreement and has assigned distribution rights to an importing distributor or distributor, then the self-distribution exemption holder's distribution rights in the assigned territories shall cease in a reasonable time not to exceed 60 days.
(G) It is the intent of this paragraph (18) to promote and continue orderly markets. The General Assembly finds that in order to preserve Illinois' regulatory distribution system, it is necessary to create an exception for smaller manufacturers in order to afford and allow such smaller manufacturers of beer access to the marketplace in order to develop a customer base without impairing the integrity of the 3-tier system.
(A) A class 1 craft distiller licensee or a non-resident dealer who manufactures less than 50,000 gallons of distilled spirits per year may make application to the State Commission for a self-distribution exemption to allow the sale of not more than 5,000 gallons of the exemption holder's spirits to retail licensees per year.
(B) In the application, which shall be sworn under penalty of perjury, the class 1 craft distiller licensee or non-resident dealer shall state (1) the date it was established; (2) its volume of spirits manufactured and sold for each year since its establishment; (3) its efforts to establish distributor relationships; (4) that a self-distribution exemption is necessary to facilitate the marketing of its spirits; and (5) that it will comply with the alcoholic beverage and revenue laws of the United States, this State, and any other state where it is licensed.
(C) Any application submitted shall be posted on the State Commission's website at least 45 days prior to action by the State Commission. The State Commission shall approve the application for a self-distribution exemption if the applicant: (1) is in compliance with State revenue and alcoholic beverage laws; (2) is not a member of any affiliated group that produces more than 50,000 gallons of spirits per annum, 930,000 gallons of beer per annum, or 25,000 gallons of wine per annum; (3) does not annually manufacture for sale more than 50,000 gallons of spirits, 930,000 gallons of beer, or 25,000 gallons of wine; and (4) does not annually sell more than 5,000 gallons of its spirits to retail licensees.
(D) A self-distribution exemption holder shall annually certify to the State Commission its manufacture of spirits during the previous 12 months and its anticipated manufacture and sales of spirits for the next 12 months. The State Commission may fine, suspend, or revoke a self-distribution exemption after a hearing if it finds that the exemption holder has made a material misrepresentation in its application, violated a revenue or alcoholic beverage law of Illinois, exceeded the manufacture of 50,000 gallons of spirits, 930,000 gallons of beer, or 25,000 gallons of wine in any calendar year, or has become part of an affiliated group manufacturing more than 50,000 gallons of spirits, 930,000 gallons of beer, or 25,000 gallons of wine.
(E) The State Commission shall adopt rules governing self-distribution exemptions consistent with this Act.
(F) Nothing in this paragraph (19) shall prohibit a self-distribution exemption holder from entering into or simultaneously having a distribution agreement with a licensed Illinois importing distributor or a distributor.
(G) It is the intent of this paragraph (19) to promote and continue orderly markets. The General Assembly finds that in order to preserve Illinois' regulatory distribution system, it is necessary to create an exception for smaller manufacturers in order to afford and allow such smaller manufacturers of spirits access to the marketplace in order to develop a customer base without impairing the integrity of the 3-tier system.
(A) A class 3 brewer licensee who must manufacture less than 465,000 gallons of beer in the aggregate and not more than 155,000 gallons at any single brewery premises may make application to the State Commission for a self-distribution exemption to allow the sale of not more than 6,200 gallons of beer from each in-state or out-of-state class 3 brewery premises, which shall not exceed 18,600 gallons annually in the aggregate, that is manufactured at a wholly owned class 3 brewer's in-state or out-of-state licensed premises to retail licensees and class 3 brewers and to brewers, class 1 brewers, class 2 brewers that, pursuant to subsection (e) of Section 6-4, sell beer, cider, or both beer and cider to non-licensees at their licensed breweries.
(B) In the application, which shall be sworn under penalty of perjury, the class 3 brewer licensee shall state:
(1) the date it was established;
(2) its volume of beer manufactured and sold for each year since its establishment;
(3) its efforts to establish distributor relationships;
(4) that a self-distribution exemption is necessary to facilitate the marketing of its beer; and
(5) that it will comply with the alcoholic beverage and revenue laws of the United States, this State, and any other state where it is licensed.
(C) Any application submitted shall be posted on the State Commission's website at least 45 days before action by the State Commission. The State Commission shall approve the application for a self-distribution exemption if the class 3 brewer licensee: (1) is in compliance with the State, revenue, and alcoholic beverage laws; (2) is not a member of any affiliated group that manufacturers, directly or indirectly, more than 465,000 gallons of beer per annum; (3) shall not annually manufacture for sale more than 465,000 gallons of beer or more than 155,000 gallons at any single brewery premises; and (4) shall not annually sell more than 6,200 gallons of beer from each in-state or out-of-state class 3 brewery premises, and shall not exceed 18,600 gallons annually in the aggregate, to retail licensees and class 3 brewers and to brewers, class 1 brewers, and class 2 brewers that, pursuant to subsection (e) of Section 6-4 of this Act, sell beer, cider, or both beer and cider to non-licensees at their breweries.
(D) A self-distribution exemption holder shall annually certify to the State Commission its manufacture of beer during the previous 12 months and its anticipated manufacture and sales of beer for the next 12 months. The State Commission may fine, suspend, or revoke a self-distribution exemption after a hearing if it finds that the exemption holder has made a material misrepresentation in its application, violated a revenue or alcoholic beverage law of Illinois, exceeded the manufacture of 465,000 gallons of beer in any calendar year or became part of an affiliated group manufacturing more than 465,000 gallons of beer, or exceeded the sale to retail licensees, brewers, class 1 brewers, class 2 brewers, and class 3 brewers of 6,200 gallons per brewery location or 18,600 gallons in the aggregate.
(E) The State Commission may adopt rules governing self-distribution exemptions consistent with this Act.
(F) Nothing in this paragraph shall prohibit a self-distribution exemption holder from entering into or simultaneously having a distribution agreement with a licensed Illinois importing distributor or a distributor. If a self-distribution exemption holder enters into a distribution agreement and has assigned distribution rights to an importing distributor or distributor, then the self-distribution exemption holder's distribution rights in the assigned territories shall cease in a reasonable time not to exceed 60 days.
(G) It is the intent of this paragraph to promote and continue orderly markets. The General Assembly finds that in order to preserve Illinois' regulatory distribution system, it is necessary to create an exception for smaller manufacturers in order to afford and allow such smaller manufacturers of beer access to the marketplace in order to develop a customer base without impairing the integrity of the 3-tier system.
(b) On or before April 30, 1999, the Commission shall present a written report to the Governor and the General Assembly that shall be based on a study of the impact of Public Act 90-739 on the business of soliciting, selling, and shipping alcoholic liquor from outside of this State directly to residents of this State.

As part of its report, the Commission shall provide the following information:

(i) the amount of State excise and sales tax revenues generated as a result of Public Act 90-739;
(ii) the amount of licensing fees received as a result of Public Act 90-739;
(iii) the number of reported violations, the number of cease and desist notices issued by the Commission, the number of notices of violations issued to the Department of Revenue, and the number of notices and complaints of violations to law enforcement officials.

235 ILCS 5/3-12

Amended by P.A. 102-0813,§ 500, eff. 5/13/2022.
Amended by P.A. 102-0558,§ 600, eff. 8/20/2021.
Amended by P.A. 102-0442,§ 5, eff. 8/20/2021.
Amended by P.A. 101-0482,§ 5, eff. 8/23/2019.
Amended by P.A. 101-0081,§ 560, eff. 7/12/2019.
Amended by P.A. 101-0037,§ 5, eff. 7/3/2019.
Amended by P.A. 100-1012,§ 10, eff. 8/21/2018.
Amended by P.A. 100-1050,§ 10, eff. 8/23/2019.
Amended by P.A. 100-0816,§ 5, eff. 8/13/2018.
Amended by P.A. 100-0201,§ 570, eff. 8/18/2017.
Amended by P.A. 100-0134,§ 5, eff. 8/18/2017.
Amended by P.A. 099-0448,§ 5, eff. 8/24/2015.
Amended by P.A. 099-0078,§ 335, eff. 7/20/2015.
Amended by P.A. 098-0941,§ 5, eff. 1/1/2015.
Amended by P.A. 098-0939,§ 5, eff. 7/1/2015.
Amended by P.A. 098-0401,§ 5, eff. 8/16/2013.
Amended by P.A. 097-0005,§ 5, eff. 6/1/2011.
Amended by P.A. 096-1000,§ 495, eff. 7/2/2010.
Amended by P.A. 096-0446,§ 5, eff. 1/1/2010.
Amended by P.A. 096-0179,§ 5, eff. 8/10/2009.
Amended by P.A. 095-0634,§ 5, eff. 6/1/2008.
Amended by P.A. 093-1057, § 10, eff. 12/2/2004.
P.A. 90-9, eff. 7-1-97; 90-432, eff. 1-1-98; 90-655, eff. 7-30-98; 90-739, eff. 8-13-98; 91-553, eff. 8-14-99; 91-922, eff. 7-7-00; 92-813, eff. 8-21-02.