Section 225 ILCS 470/49 - Sale from bulkAll bulk sales in which the buyer and seller are not both present to witness the measurement, all bulk deliveries of heating fuel, and all other bulk sales specified by rule or regulation of the Director shall be accompanied by a delivery ticket containing all of the following information:
(1) The name and address of the buyer and seller.(3) The quantity delivered and the quantity upon which the price is based, if this differs from the delivered quantity, for example, when temperature compensated sales are made.(4) The unit price, unless otherwise agreed upon by both buyer and seller.(5) The identity in the most descriptive terms commercially practicable, including any quality representation made in connection with the sale.(6) The count of individual wrapped packages, if more than one, in the instance of commodities bought from bulk but delivered in packages.P.A. 88-600, eff. 9/1/1994.