225 ILCS 235/10.2

Current through Public Act 103-593
Section 225 ILCS 235/10.2 - [Section Scheduled to be Repealed 12/31/2029] Integrated pest management guidelines; notification; training of designated persons; request for copies
(a) The Department shall prepare guidelines for an integrated pest management program for structural pest control practices at school buildings and other school facilities and day care centers. Such guidelines shall be made available to schools, day care centers and the public upon request.
(b) When economically feasible, each school and day care center is required to develop and implement an integrated pest management program that incorporates the guidelines developed by the Department. Each school and day care center must notify the Department, within one year after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly and every 5 years thereafter, on forms provided by the Department that the school or day care center has developed and is implementing an integrated pest management program. In implementing an integrated pest management program, a school or day care center must assign a designated person to assume responsibility for the oversight of pest management practices in that school or day care center and for recordkeeping requirements.
(b-1) If adopting an integrated pest management program is not economically feasible because such adoption would result in an increase in the pest control costs of the school or day care center, the school or day care center must provide, within one year after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly and every 5 years thereafter, written notification to the Department, on forms provided by the Department, that the development and implementation of an integrated pest management program is not economically feasible. The notification must include projected pest control costs for the term of the pest control program and projected costs for implementing an integrated pest management program for that same time period.
(b-2) Each school or day care center that provides written notification to the Department that the adoption of an integrated pest management program is not economically feasible pursuant to subsection (b-1) of this Section must have its designated person attend a training course on integrated pest management within one year after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly, and every 5 years thereafter until an integrated pest management program is developed and implemented in the school or day care center. The training course shall be approved by the Department in accordance with the minimum standards established by the Department under this Act.
(b-3) Each school and day care center shall ensure that all parents, guardians, and employees are notified at least once each school year that the notification requirements established by this Section have been met. The school and day care center shall keep copies of all notifications required by this Section and any written integrated pest management program plan developed in accordance with this Section and make these copies available for public inspection at the school or day care center.
(c) The Structural Pest Control Advisory Council shall assist the Department in developing the guidelines for integrated pest management programs. In developing the guidelines, the Council shall consult with individuals knowledgeable in the area of integrated pest management.
(d) The Department, with the assistance of the Cooperative Extension Service and other relevant agencies, may prepare a training program for school or day care center pest control specialists.
(e) The Department may request copies of a school's or day care center's integrated pest management program plan and notification required by this Act and offer assistance and training to schools and day care centers on integrated pest management programs.
(f) The requirements of this Section are subject to appropriation to the Department for the implementation of integrated pest management programs.

225 ILCS 235/10.2

Reenacted by P.A. 095-0786,§ 15, eff. 8/7/2008.
Amended by P.A. 095-0058,§ 5, eff. 8/10/2007.
Amended by P.A. 093-0381, § 10, eff. 7/1/2004.
P.A. 87-1106; 91-525, eff. 8-1-00.