Section 225 ILCS 60/7.1 - [Section Scheduled to be Repealed 1/1/2027] Medical Board(A) There is hereby created the Illinois State Medical Board. The Medical Board shall consist of 17 members, to be appointed by the Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. All members shall be residents of the State, not more than 8 of whom shall be members of the same political party. All members shall be voting members. Eight members shall be physicians licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches in Illinois possessing the degree of doctor of medicine. Two members shall be physicians licensed to practice medicine in all its branches in Illinois possessing the degree of doctor of osteopathy or osteopathic medicine. Two of the physician members shall be physicians who collaborate with physician assistants. Two members shall be chiropractic physicians licensed to practice in Illinois and possessing the degree of doctor of chiropractic. Two members shall be physician assistants licensed to practice in Illinois. Three members shall be members of the public, who shall not be engaged in any way, directly or indirectly, as providers of health care.(B) Members of the Medical Board shall be appointed for terms of 4 years. Upon the expiration of the term of any member, their successor shall be appointed for a term of 4 years by the Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Governor shall fill any vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term with the advice and consent of the Senate. Upon recommendation of the Medical Board, any member of the Medical Board may be removed by the Governor for misfeasance, malfeasance, or willful neglect of duty, after notice, and a public hearing, unless such notice and hearing shall be expressly waived in writing. Each member shall serve on the Medical Board until their successor is appointed and qualified. No member of the Medical Board shall serve more than 2 consecutive 4-year terms. In making appointments the Governor shall attempt to ensure that the various social and geographic regions of the State of Illinois are properly represented.
In making the designation of persons to act for the several professions represented on the Medical Board, the Governor shall give due consideration to recommendations by members of the respective professions and by organizations therein.
(C) The Medical Board shall annually elect one of its voting members as chairperson and one as vice chairperson. No officer shall be elected more than twice in succession to the same office. Each officer shall serve until their successor has been elected and qualified.(D) A majority of the Medical Board members currently appointed shall constitute a quorum. A vacancy in the membership of the Medical Board shall not impair the right of a quorum to exercise all the rights and perform all the duties of the Medical Board. Any action taken by the Medical Board under this Act may be authorized by resolution at any regular or special meeting and each such resolution shall take effect immediately. The Medical Board shall meet at least quarterly.(E) Each member shall be paid their necessary expenses while engaged in the performance of their duties.(F) The Secretary shall select a Chief Medical Coordinator and not less than 2 Deputy Medical Coordinators who shall not be members of the Medical Board. Each medical coordinator shall be a physician licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches, and the Secretary shall set their rates of compensation. The Secretary shall assign at least one medical coordinator to a region composed of Cook County and such other counties as the Secretary may deem appropriate, and such medical coordinator or coordinators shall locate their office in Chicago. The Secretary shall assign at least one medical coordinator to a region composed of the balance of counties in the State, and such medical coordinator or coordinators shall locate their office in Springfield. The Chief Medical Coordinator shall be the chief enforcement officer of this Act. None of the functions, powers, or duties of the Department with respect to policies regarding enforcement or discipline under this Act, including the adoption of such rules as may be necessary for the administration of this Act, shall be exercised by the Department except upon review of the Medical Board. (G) The Secretary shall employ, in conformity with the Personnel Code, investigators who are college graduates with at least 2 years of investigative experience or one year of advanced medical education. Upon the written request of the Medical Board, the Secretary shall employ, in conformity with the Personnel Code, such other professional, technical, investigative, and clerical help, either on a full or part-time basis as the Medical Board deems necessary for the proper performance of its duties.(H) Upon the specific request of the Medical Board, signed by either the chairperson, vice chairperson, or a medical coordinator of the Medical Board, the Department of Human Services, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, the Department of State Police, or any other law enforcement agency located in this State shall make available any and all information that they have in their possession regarding a particular case then under investigation by the Medical Board.(I) Members of the Medical Board shall be immune from suit in any action based upon any disciplinary proceedings or other acts performed in good faith as members of the Medical Board.(J) The Medical Board may compile and establish a statewide roster of physicians and other medical professionals, including the several medical specialties, of such physicians and medical professionals, who have agreed to serve from time to time as advisors to the medical coordinators. Such advisors shall assist the medical coordinators or the Medical Board in their investigations and participation in complaints against physicians. Such advisors shall serve under contract and shall be reimbursed at a reasonable rate for the services provided, plus reasonable expenses incurred. While serving in this capacity, the advisor, for any act undertaken in good faith and in the conduct of his or her duties under this Section, shall be immune from civil suit.Added by P.A. 102-0020,§ 20, eff. 1/1/2022.