225 ILCS 60/21

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 225 ILCS 60/21 - [Section Scheduled to be Repealed 1/1/2027] License renewal; reinstatement; inactive status; disposition and collection of fees
(A) Renewal. The expiration date and renewal period for each license issued under this Act shall be set by rule. The holder of a license may renew the license by paying the required fee. The holder of a license may also renew the license within 90 days after its expiration by complying with the requirements for renewal and payment of an additional fee. A license renewal within 90 days after expiration shall be effective retroactively to the expiration date.

The Department shall attempt to provide through electronic means to each licensee under this Act, at least 60 days in advance of the expiration date of his or her license, a renewal notice. No such license shall be deemed to have lapsed until 90 days after the expiration date and after the Department has attempted to provide such notice as herein provided.

(B) Reinstatement. Any licensee who has permitted his or her license to lapse or who has had his or her license on inactive status may have his or her license reinstated by making application to the Department and filing proof acceptable to the Department of his or her fitness to have the license reinstated, including evidence certifying to active practice in another jurisdiction satisfactory to the Department, proof of meeting the continuing education requirements for one renewal period, and by paying the required reinstatement fee.

If the licensee has not maintained an active practice in another jurisdiction satisfactory to the Department, the Medical Board shall determine, by an evaluation program established by rule, the applicant's fitness to resume active status and may require the licensee to complete a period of evaluated clinical experience and may require successful completion of a practical examination specified by the Medical Board.

However, any registrant whose license has expired while he or she has been engaged (a) in Federal Service on active duty with the Army of the United States, the United States Navy, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, the Coast Guard, the Public Health Service or the State Militia called into the service or training of the United States of America, or (b) in training or education under the supervision of the United States preliminary to induction into the military service, may have his or her license reinstated without paying any lapsed renewal fees, if within 2 years after honorable termination of such service, training, or education, he or she furnishes to the Department with satisfactory evidence to the effect that he or she has been so engaged and that his or her service, training, or education has been so terminated.

(C) Inactive licenses. Any licensee who notifies the Department, in writing on forms prescribed by the Department, may elect to place his or her license on an inactive status and shall, subject to rules of the Department, be excused from payment of renewal fees until he or she notifies the Department in writing of his or her desire to resume active status.

Any licensee requesting reinstatement from inactive status shall be required to pay the current renewal fee, provide proof of meeting the continuing education requirements for the period of time the license is inactive not to exceed one renewal period, and shall be required to reinstate his or her license as provided in subsection (B).

Any licensee whose license is in an inactive status shall not practice in the State of Illinois.

(D) Disposition of monies collected. All monies collected under this Act by the Department shall be deposited in the Illinois State Medical Disciplinary Fund in the State Treasury, and used only for the following purposes:
(a) by the Medical Board in the exercise of its powers and performance of its duties, as such use is made by the Department with full consideration of all recommendations of the Medical Board,
(b) for costs directly related to persons licensed under this Act, and
(c) for direct and allocable indirect costs related to the public purposes of the Department.

Moneys in the Fund may be transferred to the Professions Indirect Cost Fund as authorized under Section 2105-300 of the Department of Professional Regulation Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois.

All earnings received from investment of monies in the Illinois State Medical Disciplinary Fund shall be deposited in the Illinois State Medical Disciplinary Fund and shall be used for the same purposes as fees deposited in such Fund.

(E) Fees. The following fees are nonrefundable.
(1) Applicants for any examination shall be required to pay, either to the Department or to the designated testing service, a fee covering the cost of determining the applicant's eligibility and providing the examination. Failure to appear for the examination on the scheduled date, at the time and place specified, after the applicant's application for examination has been received and acknowledged by the Department or the designated testing service, shall result in the forfeiture of the examination fee.
(2) Before July 1, 2018, the fee for a license under Section 9 of this Act is $700. Beginning on July 1, 2018, the fee for a license under Section 9 of this Act is $500.
(3) Before July 1, 2018, the fee for a license under Section 19 of this Act is $700. Beginning on July 1, 2018, the fee for a license under Section 19 of this Act is $500.
(4) Before July 1, 2018, the fee for the renewal of a license for a resident of Illinois shall be calculated at the rate of $230 per year, and beginning on July 1, 2018 and until January 1, 2020, the fee for the renewal of a license shall be $167, except for licensees who were issued a license within 12 months of the expiration date of the license, before July 1, 2018, the fee for the renewal shall be $230, and beginning on July 1, 2018 and until January 1, 2020 that fee will be $167. Before July 1, 2018, the fee for the renewal of a license for a nonresident shall be calculated at the rate of $460 per year, and beginning on July 1, 2018 and until January 1, 2020, the fee for the renewal of a license for a nonresident shall be $250, except for licensees who were issued a license within 12 months of the expiration date of the license, before July 1, 2018, the fee for the renewal shall be $460, and beginning on July 1, 2018 and until January 1, 2020 that fee will be $250. Beginning on January 1, 2020, the fee for renewal of a license for a resident or nonresident is $181 per year.
(5) The fee for the reinstatement of a license other than from inactive status, is $230. In addition, payment of all lapsed renewal fees not to exceed $1,400 is required.
(6) The fee for a 3-year temporary license under Section 17 is $230.
(7) The fee for the issuance of a license with a change of name or address other than during the renewal period is $20. No fee is required for name and address changes on Department records when no updated license is issued.
(8) The fee to be paid for a license record for any purpose is $20.
(9) The fee to be paid to have the scoring of an examination, administered by the Department, reviewed and verified, is $20 plus any fees charged by the applicable testing service.
(F) Any person who delivers a check or other payment to the Department that is returned to the Department unpaid by the financial institution upon which it is drawn shall pay to the Department, in addition to the amount already owed to the Department, a fine of $50. The fines imposed by this Section are in addition to any other discipline provided under this Act for unlicensed practice or practice on a nonrenewed license. The Department shall notify the person that payment of fees and fines shall be paid to the Department by certified check or money order within 30 calendar days of the notification. If, after the expiration of 30 days from the date of the notification, the person has failed to submit the necessary remittance, the Department shall automatically terminate the license or permit or deny the application, without hearing. If, after termination or denial, the person seeks a license or permit, he or she shall apply to the Department for reinstatement or issuance of the license or permit and pay all fees and fines due to the Department. The Department may establish a fee for the processing of an application for reinstatement of a license or permit to pay all expenses of processing this application. The Secretary may waive the fines due under this Section in individual cases where the Secretary finds that the fines would be unreasonable or unnecessarily burdensome.

225 ILCS 60/21

Amended by P.A. 102-0020,§ 20, eff. 1/1/2022.
Amended by P.A. 101-0603,§ 5, eff. 1/1/2020.
Amended by P.A. 101-0316,§ 15, eff. 8/9/2019.
Amended by P.A. 099-0909,§ 15, eff. 12/16/2016.
Amended by P.A. 098-1140,§ 15, eff. 12/30/2014.
Amended by P.A. 098-0003,§ 10, eff. 3/8/2013.
Amended by P.A. 097-0622,§ 10, eff. 11/23/2011.
P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00; 92-16, eff. 6-28-01; 92-146, eff. 7-24-01.