205 ILCS 645/3
A foreign banking corporation, upon receipt of a certificate of authority from the Commissioner, may establish and maintain an Illinois banking office to conduct thereat a general banking business and may apply for, and procure from the Commissioner, a certificate of authority to conduct thereat a trust business pursuant to the Corporate Fiduciary Act. No such foreign banking corporation is, however, entitled to a certificate of authority under this Act unless, under the laws of the country under which such foreign banking corporation was organized, a State bank and a national bank may be authorized to maintain a banking office which may engage in a general banking business or may be authorized to own all the shares (except for directors' qualifying shares) of a banking organization organized under the laws of such country.
Upon receipt of a certificate of authority under this Act, a foreign banking corporation may conduct its banking business in this State with the same, but no greater, rights and privileges as a State bank, and except as otherwise provided in this Act, subject to the same duties, restrictions, penalties and liabilities now or hereafter imposed under the Illinois Banking Act upon a State bank. Any such banking office shall be maintained subject to supervision and examination by the Commissioner and such reports and examinations as are required of State banks under the Illinois Banking Act applicable to such banking office.
This Section does not prohibit the furnishing of information in accordance with the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. Any foreign banking corporation governed by this Act shall enter into an agreement for data exchanges with a State agency provided the State agency pays to the foreign banking corporation a reasonable fee not to exceed its actual cost incurred. A foreign banking corporation providing information in accordance with this item shall not be liable to any account holder or other person for any disclosure of information to a State agency, for encumbering or surrendering any assets held by the foreign banking corporation in response to a lien or order to withhold and deliver issued by a State agency, or for any other action taken pursuant to this item, including individual or mechanical errors, provided the action does not constitute gross negligence or willful misconduct. A foreign banking corporation shall have no obligation to hold, encumber, or surrender assets until it has been served with a subpoena, summons, warrant, court or administrative order, lien, or levy.
205 ILCS 645/3