Section 205 ILCS 205/9016 - Cease and desist proceedings(a) If, in the opinion of the Commissioner or in the opinion of any federal banking agency that provides complete and documented evidence to the Commissioner, an officer, director, or controlling stockholder of a savings bank operating under this Act or a subsidiary or an affiliate of an institution operating under this Act, is engaging in, has engaged in, is about to engage in, or is conspiring to engage in one or more unsafe or unsound practices in conducting the institution's business; or is, has, or is about to violate an applicable law, regulation, directive of the Commissioner, of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or has not complied with a condition imposed in writing by the Commissioner, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or of any court of law, then the Commissioner may, in his discretion, issue to the violator notice of charges resulting from the violation.(b) The notice of charges shall factually specify the act or violations committed; the law, rule, order, decree, directive, or condition violated; specify necessary curative measures and a time within which to cure; and impose any penalties or sanctions mandated by law or regulation.