330 ILCS 70/2
Whenever a copy of any public record is required by any accredited Veterans Organization, the Department of Veterans' Affairs, the Veterans Administration, the Veteran or his dependent in connection with a claim for benefits, the official charged with the custody of such public record shall without charge provide accredited Veterans Organization, the Department of Veterans' Affairs, the Veterans Administration, the Veteran or his dependent, with a certified copy of the requested record.
The request for the copy of the record must be in writing with a statement, signed by an authorized official of the accredited veterans organization, the Department of Veterans' Affairs, the Veterans Administration, the Veteran or his dependent, to the effect that the requested document is to be used in obtaining benefits and, if the copy of the record is to be mailed, must be accompanied by sufficient postage to pay the cost of mailing. When the request is made as provided in this section and, if mailing is necessary, is accompanied by sufficient postage, the furnishing of the certified copy of the record is mandatory upon the official charged with its custody, and shall not be subject to the approval or sanction of any other person, agency, or body politic or corporate whether federal, state or municipal.
330 ILCS 70/2