325 ILCS 5/9
Any person, institution or agency, under this Act, participating in good faith in the making of a report or referral, or in the investigation of such a report or referral or in the taking of photographs and x-rays or in the retaining a child in temporary protective custody or in making a disclosure of information concerning reports of child abuse and neglect in compliance with Sections 4.2 and 11.1 of this Act or Section 4 of this Act, as it relates to disclosure by school personnel and except in cases of wilful or wanton misconduct, shall have immunity from any liability, civil, criminal or that otherwise might result by reason of such actions. For the purpose of any proceedings, civil or criminal, the good faith of any persons required to report or refer, or permitted to report, cases of suspected child abuse or neglect or permitted to refer individuals under this Act or required to disclose information concerning reports of child abuse and neglect in compliance with Sections 4.2 and 11.1 of this Act, shall be presumed. For purposes of this Section "child abuse and neglect" includes abuse or neglect of an adult resident as defined in this Act.
325 ILCS 5/9