310 ILCS 65/9

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 310 ILCS 65/9 - Notes and bonds
(a) Subject to the restrictions on purposes and uses contained in this Act and the limit on amount contained in Section 22 of the Illinois Housing Development Act, the Program Administrator may issue Affordable Housing Program Trust Fund Bonds or Notes pursuant to the Illinois Housing Development Act. Such bonds and notes shall be secured as provided in the authorizing resolution of the Program Administrator under the Illinois Housing Development Act which may, notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, include in addition to any other security, a specific pledge or assignment of lien on or security interest in, Trust Fund Moneys received or to be received by the Program Administrator from the Trust Fund pursuant to Section 8(b) of this Act. Any such pledge, assignment, lien or security interest shall be for the benefit of the holders of such bonds or notes and shall be valid, binding from the times bonds or notes are issued without any physical delivery or further act, and shall be valid and binding as against and prior to the claims of all other parties having claims of any kind against the Program Administrator or any other person irrespective of whether such other parties have notice of such pledge, assignment, lien or security interest. The pledge by the Program Administrator of Trust Fund Moneys obtained pursuant to Section 8(b) of this Act and pledged pursuant to this Section shall be superior to and have priority over any other use of such moneys by the Program Administrator under this Act. The resolution authorizing the issuance of any such bonds or notes may provide, as part of the contract with the holders of the bonds or notes, for the creation of a separate fund or funds to provide for the payment of principal, premium, if any, interest and other amounts in respect of such bonds or notes and for the deposit in such funds of any or all Trust Fund Moneys certified to the State Treasurer, the Comptroller and the Funding Agent by the Program Administrator as provided in Section 8(b) of this Act, as well as any other amounts, all as provided in such resolution, to meet the debt service requirements on such bonds or notes, including principal, premium, if any, and interest in respect of such bonds or notes, and any sinking fund, reserve fund or other fund or account requirements as may be provided by such resolution, and all expenses incident to or in connection with such fund or account or the issuance, administration and payment of such bonds or notes.
(b) The resolution of the Program Administrator authorizing the issuance of Affordable Housing Program Trust Fund Bonds or Notes may further secure such bonds or notes by providing for the assignment and direct payment to the corporate or indenture trustee, if any, for the holders of such bonds and notes of any or all Trust Fund Moneys transferred or certified or dedicated for transfer to the Program Administrator pursuant to Section 8(b) of this Act. Subject to annual appropriation, upon receipt of notice of any such assignment, the Funding Agent, the Treasurer and the Comptroller of the State of Illinois shall thereafter, notwithstanding the provisions of any other Act, including Section 5 of the State Finance Act, provide for such assigned amounts to be paid directly to the trustee instead of the Program Administrator, all in accordance with the terms of the resolution making the assignment. The resolution shall provide that Trust Fund Moneys paid pursuant to Section 8(b) and this Section to the trustee which are not required to be deposited, held or invested in funds and accounts created by the resolution with respect to Affordable Housing Program Trust Fund Bonds or Notes, may be paid by the trustee to the Program Administrator and the Program Administrator may use such amounts or funds as provided in Section 8(c) of this Act.
(c) In issuing Affordable Housing Program Trust Fund Bonds or Notes pursuant to the Illinois Housing Development Act, the Program Administrator may include in the resolution authorizing such issue a covenant as part of the contract with the holders of the bonds or notes, that as long as such obligations are outstanding, it shall make the deposits or transfers of Trust Fund Moneys it receives or is entitled to receive pursuant to Section 8(b) of this Act. A certified copy of the resolution authorizing the issuance of any of such bonds or notes shall be filed at or prior to the issuance of such obligations with the Governor, the Treasurer and Comptroller of the State of Illinois and with the Funding Agent.
(d) The State of Illinois pledges to and agrees with the holders of Affordable Housing Program Trust Fund Bonds or Notes issued pursuant to the Illinois Housing Development Act that the State will not limit or alter the rights and powers vested in the Program Administrator by this Act or the Illinois Housing Development Act so as to impair the terms of any contract made by the Program Administrator with such holders or in any way impair the rights and remedies of such holders until the principal and premium, if any, of such bonds and notes, together with interest thereon, with interest on any unpaid installments of interest, and all costs and expenses in connection with any action or proceedings by or on behalf of such holders are fully met and discharged. In addition, the State pledges to and agrees with the holders of such bonds and notes that the State will not limit or alter the basis on which Trust Fund Moneys are to be collected and paid to the Program Administrator as provided in this Act, or the use of such funds, and the State will not take action to repeal or reduce the Real Estate Transfer Tax, as amended, so as to impair the terms of any such contract. The Program Administrator is authorized to include these pledges and agreements of the State in any contract with the holders of Affordable Housing Program Trust Fund Bonds or Notes.
(e) Illinois Affordable Housing Program Trust Fund Bonds or Notes do not constitute general obligations of the State and shall not be secured by a pledge of the full faith and credit of the State. Each such bond or note shall describe the limited nature of the State's obligation on the face of the bond or note.

310 ILCS 65/9

P.A. 88-93.