The reports to the General Assembly shall be filed with the Clerk of the House of Representatives and the Secretary of the Senate in electronic form only, in the manner that the Clerk and the Secretary shall direct.
Post-pilot program discharge outcomes shall be collected for all service recipients who exit the pilot program for up to 3 years after exit. This includes youth who exit the program with planned or unplanned discharges. The post-exit data collected shall include the annual data listed in paragraphs (1) through (8) of subsection (g). Data collection shall be done in a manner that does not violate individual privacy laws. Outcomes for enrollees in the pilot and post-exit outcomes shall be included in the final report to the General Assembly under this subsection (h) within one year of 4 full years of implementation, and in an additional report within one year of 7 full years of implementation in order to provide more information about post-exit outcomes on a greater number of youth who enroll in pilot program services in the final years of the pilot program.
305 ILCS 65/10