Section 430 ILCS 117/40 - Oversight(a) This Act is to be administered by the Department. The Department and other personnel as the Department considers necessary must perform the following duties: (1) Issue manufacturer's licenses and collect fees. (2) Issue installer's licenses and collect fees. (b) The Department must serve as a liaison between the State, mobile home park owners, purchasers of mobile homes, dealers, manufacturers, and installers. The Department must receive and investigate complaints related to this Act for the purpose of obtaining non-binding resolution of conflicts between park owners, dealers, manufacturers, installers, and purchasers of mobile homes. (c) There is created the Manufactured Housing Quality Assurance Board to consult and advise the Department. The Board must comprise 9 members as follows: (i) The Director of the Department, or his or her designee, to serve as chairman; (ii) 3 residents of mobile home parks who have lived in mobile homes for at least 5 years; (iii) the president of a state association of mobile home owners or his or her representative; (iv) one mobile home park owner who has owned a mobile home park containing at least 20 sites for at least 5 years; (v) one licensed dealer; (vi) one licensed installer; and (vii) one licensed manufacturer. Each individual described in items (iv), (v), (vi), and (vii) must be an active member of either the Illinois Manufactured Housing Association or the Illinois Housing Institute. (d) Members of the Board are appointed by the Governor for 3 year terms, except that, of the initial members, the terms of 3 members expire on December 31 of the year following the effective date of this Act and the terms of 3 other members expire on December 31 of the second year following the effective date of this Act. Members serve until their successors are appointed. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed is appointed for the remainder of that term. The initial appointments commence on the effective date of this Act. (e) The Board must meet at least 3 times each year. Additional meetings may be called by the Department. A majority of the members of the Board constitute a quorum. Each member of the Board must be compensated for travel expenses incurred in the performance of duties as a member of the Board in accordance with Section 12-2 of the State Finance Act. (f) The Department must promulgate rules to implement this Act. P.A. 92-410, eff. 1-1-02.