Section 415 ILCS 5/59.1 - Carbon capture permit requirementsFor air construction permit applications for carbon dioxide capture projects at existing sources submitted on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly, no permit may be issued unless all of the following requirements are met:
(1) The permit applicant demonstrates that there will be no net increase in the individual allowable potential annual criteria pollutant emissions at the source. If the Agency determines that it is technically infeasible for an applicant to demonstrate that there will be no net increase in the individual allowable potential annual criteria pollutant emissions at the source, the Agency shall allow an alternative demonstration.(2) The Agency has complied with the public participation requirements under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 252.(3) The permit applicant submits to the Agency in its permit application, a Greenhouse Gas Inventory Analysis, as set forth in guidance from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, that includes all emissions at the stack or emissions source from which carbon dioxide is captured and a demonstration that the total greenhouse gas emissions associated with capture, including, but not limited to, (i) the emissions at the stack or emissions source from which the carbon dioxide is captured, (ii) the additional emissions associated with additional electricity generated, whether on-site or off-site, used to power any capture equipment, and (iii) any increased emissions necessary for the operation of the capture facility as compared to before the installation and operation of the capture equipment at the facility, do not exceed the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions captured. This comparison shall be made on an annual basis, projected across the proposed life span of the capture project.(4) The permit applicant provides a water impact assessment report. The report must have been submitted to Department of Natural Resources and to the Soil and Water Conservation District in the county in which the project will be constructed. The report shall identify the following:(A) each water source to be used by the project;(B) the pumping method to be used by the project;(C) the maximum and expected average daily pumping rates for the pumps used by the project;(D) the impacts to each water source used by the project, such as aquifer drawdown or river reductions; and(E) a detailed assessment of the impact on water users near the area of impact. The water impact assessment shall consider the water impacts (i) immediately following the project's initial operations, (ii) at the end of the project's expected operational life, and (iii) during a drought or other similar event.
The permit applicant shall submit a certification to the Agency that the applicant has submitted its initial water use impact study and the applicant's ongoing water usage to the Department of Natural Resources. This requirement may be satisfied by submitting to the Agency copies of documents provided to the United States Environmental Protection Agency in accordance with 40 CFR 146.82 if the applicant satisfies the requirements of this Section.
Added by P.A. 103-0651,§ 55, eff. 7/18/2024.