415 ILCS 5/17.12
"Advisory Board" means the Lead Service Line Replacement Advisory Board created under subsection (x).
"Community water supply" has the meaning ascribed to it in Section 3.145 of this Act.
"Department" means the Department of Public Health.
"Emergency repair" means any unscheduled water main, water service, or water valve repair or replacement that results from failure or accident.
"Fund" means the Lead Service Line Replacement Fund created under subsection (bb).
"Lead service line" means a service line made of lead or service line connected to a lead pigtail, lead gooseneck, or other lead fitting.
"Material inventory" means a water service line material inventory developed by a community water supply under this Act.
"Non-community water supply" has the meaning ascribed to it in Section 3.145 of the Environmental Protection Act.
"NSF/ANSI Standard" means a water treatment standard developed by NSF International.
"Partial lead service line replacement" means replacement of only a portion of a lead service line.
"Potentially affected building" means any building that is provided water service through a service line that is either a lead service line or a suspected lead service line.
"Public water supply" has the meaning ascribed to it in Section 3.365 of this Act.
"Service line" means the piping, tubing, and necessary appurtenances acting as a conduit from the water main or source of potable water supply to the building plumbing at the first shut-off valve or 18 inches inside the building, whichever is shorter.
"Suspected lead service line" means a service line that a community water supply finds more likely than not to be made of lead after completing the requirements under paragraphs (2) through (5) of subsection (h).
"Small system" means a community water supply that regularly serves water to 3,300 or fewer persons.
When identifying the materials of construction under paragraph (2) of this subsection, the owner or operator of the community water supply shall to the best of the owner's or operator's ability identify the type of construction material used on the customer's side of the curb box, meter, or other line of demarcation and the community water supply's side of the curb box, meter, or other line of demarcation.
Owners or operators of a community water supply are encouraged to divide projects, whenever economically feasible, into contracts of smaller size that ensure small business contractors or vendors shall have the ability to qualify in the applicable bidding process, when determining the ability to deliver on a given contract based on scope and size, as a responsible and responsive bidder.
When a contractor or vendor submits a bid or letter of intent in response to a request for proposal or other bid submission, the contractor or vendor shall include with its responsive documents a utilization plan that shall address how compliance with applicable good faith requirements set forth in this subsection shall be addressed.
Under this subsection, "good faith effort" means a community water supply has taken all necessary steps to comply with the goals of this subsection by complying with the following:
The diversity goals defined in this subsection can be met through direct award to diverse contractors and through the use of diverse subcontractors and diverse vendors to contracts.
The Agency may grant one extension of additional time equal to not more than 20% of the original replacement timeline, except in situations of extreme hardship in which the Agency may consider a second additional extension equal to not more than 10% of the original replacement timeline.
Replacement rates and timelines shall be calculated from the date of submission of the final plan to the Agency.
The Advisory Board shall consist of at least 28 voting members, as follows:
No less than 10 of the 28 voting members shall be persons of color, and no less than 3 shall represent communities defined or self-identified as environmental justice communities.
Advisory Board members shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties from funds appropriated for that purpose. The Agency shall provide administrative support to the Advisory Board.
The Advisory Board shall meet no less than once every 6 months.
The objective of the Fund is to finance activities associated with identifying and replacing lead service lines, build Agency capacity to oversee the provisions of this Section, and provide related assistance for the activities listed under this subsection.
The Agency shall be responsible for the administration of the Fund and shall allocate moneys on the basis of priorities established by the Agency through administrative rule. On July 1, 2022 and on July 1 of each year thereafter, the Agency shall determine the available amount of resources in the Fund that can be allocated to the activities identified under this Section and shall allocate the moneys accordingly.
Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the Lead Service Line Replacement Fund is not subject to sweeps, administrative charge-backs, or any other fiscal maneuver that would in any way transfer any amounts from the Lead Service Line Replacement Fund into any other fund of the State.
Funding shall not be used for the general operating expenses of a municipality or community water supply.
For the purposes of this paragraph (1), written notice shall be provided in the method and according to the provisions of subsection (jj).
If an owner of a potentially affected building intends to replace a portion of a lead service line or a galvanized service line and the galvanized service line is or was connected downstream to lead piping, then the owner of the potentially affected building shall provide the owner or operator of the community water supply with notice at least 45 days before commencing the work. In the case of an emergency repair, the owner of the potentially affected building must provide filters for each kitchen area that are certified by an accredited third-party certification body to NSF/ANSI 53 and NSF/ANSI 42 for the reduction of lead and particulate. If the owner of the potentially affected building notifies the owner or operator of the community water supply that replacement of a portion of the lead service line after the emergency repair is completed, then the owner or operator of the community water supply shall replace the remainder of the lead service line within 30 days after completion of the emergency repair. A community water supply may take up to 120 days if necessary due to weather conditions. If a replacement takes longer than 30 days, filters provided by the owner of the potentially affected building must be replaced in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Partial lead service line replacements by the owners of potentially affected buildings are otherwise prohibited.
If the owner or operator of a community water supply is unable to obtain approval to access and replace a lead service line, the owner or operator of the community water supply shall request that the owner of the potentially affected building sign a waiver. The waiver shall be developed by the Department and should be made available in the owner's language. If the owner of the potentially affected building refuses to sign the waiver or fails to respond to the community water supply after the community water supply has complied with this subsection, then the community water supply shall notify the Department in writing within 15 working days.
When the individual written notice described in the first paragraph of this subsection is required as a result of planned work other than the repair or replacement of a water meter, the owner or operator of the community water supply shall provide the notice not less than 14 days before work begins. When the individual written notice described in the first paragraph of this subsection is required as a result of emergency repairs other than the repair or replacement of a water meter, the owner or operator of the community water supply shall provide the notice at the time the work is initiated. When the individual written notice described in the first paragraph of this subsection is required as a result of the repair or replacement of a water meter, the owner or operator of the community water supply shall provide the notice at the time the work is initiated.
The notifications required under this subsection must contain the following statement in Spanish, Polish, Chinese, Tagalog, Arabic, Korean, German, Urdu, and Gujarati: "This notice contains important information about your water service and may affect your rights. We encourage you to have this notice translated in full into a language you understand and before you make any decisions that may be required under this notice."
An owner or operator of a community water supply that is required under this subsection to provide an individual written notice to the owner and occupant of a potentially affected building that is a multi-dwelling building may satisfy that requirement and the requirements of this subsection regarding notification to non-English speaking customers by posting the required notice on the primary entranceway of the building and at the location where the occupant's mail is delivered as reasonably as possible.
When this subsection would require the owner or operator of a community water supply to provide an individual written notice to the entire community served by the community water supply or would require the owner or operator of a community water supply to provide individual written notices as a result of emergency repairs or when the community water supply that is required to comply with this subsection is a small system, the owner or operator of the community water supply may provide the required notice through local media outlets, social media, or other similar means in lieu of providing the individual written notices otherwise required under this subsection.
No notifications are required under this subsection for work performed on water mains that are used to transmit treated water between community water supplies and properties that have no service connections.
415 ILCS 5/17.12