410 ILCS 535/14

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 410 ILCS 535/14
(1) Subject to the requirements that the Department may prescribe, the birth of a person born in this State, whose birth is not registered, may be recorded by delayed registration in the manner prescribed below:
(a) When the birth occurred more than 3 days but less than one year prior to the application for registration, the birth may be registered on a certificate of live birth and be submitted for filing to the local registrar of the district in which the birth occurred. The local registrar may accept the certificate for filing when such evidence is submitted to substantiate the facts of birth as is required by regulation.
(b) When the birth occurred more than one year but less than 7 years prior to the application for registration, the birth shall be registered on a form prescribed by the State Registrar of Vital Records and shall be submitted to him for filing. The State Registrar of Vital Records may accept the certificate for filing when such evidence is submitted to substantiate the facts of birth as is required by regulation. Each certificate filed under this subsection shall be marked "delayed".
(c) When the birth occurred more than 7 years prior to the application for registration, the certificate of birth shall be prepared on a form entitled "Delayed Record of Birth". The information provided on such registration form shall be subscribed and sworn to by the person whose birth is to be registered before an official authorized to administer oaths. When such person is not of legal age or is otherwise not competent to swear to this information, it shall be subscribed and sworn to by a parent, legal guardian, or other legally designated representative of this person.

If the person whose birth is to be registered is deceased, the information provided on such registration form shall be subscribed and sworn to by a spouse or descendant of such person. Such Delayed Record of Birth shall have the word "Deceased" stamped on it.

(c-1) The form shall provide for the name and sex of the person whose birth is to be registered, and place and date of birth, and such other information as may be required by the State Registrar of Vital Records. Each request for completing the delayed registration shall be accompanied by a fee of $15 and entitles the applicant to one certification or certified copy of the delayed record of birth when completed. A fee of $2 shall be required for each additional certification or certified copy requested at the time of filing. The original delayed record of birth shall be filed with the State Registrar of Vital Records. The State Registrar of Vital Records shall accept the registration if the applicant was born in this State and if the date and place of birth and parentage are established to the satisfaction of the State Registrar of Vital Records, as follows: The age or date of birth and place of birth shall be supported by at least 2 documents, only one of which may be an affidavit of personal knowledge. The names of the parents shall be supported by at least one document, which may be one of the above documents. Any document accepted as evidence, other than an affidavit of personal knowledge, shall be at least 5 years old. A copy or abstract of such document may be accepted if certified as true and correct by the custodian of the document.

If the birth occurred prior to January 1, 1916, the application for a delayed record of birth may be initially filed with the county clerk of the county of birth, provided that all requirements of the Department are met. Final approval, however, rests with the State Registrar of Vital Records.

(2) When the delayed record of birth is accepted, the State Registrar of Vital Records shall enter on its face a description of each document submitted in support of the registration. He shall also record the filing date and affix his signature as evidence of its acceptance as a legal record. He may return any documents, other than affidavits, submitted as evidence to the person or persons submitting them. A complete and exact copy of each delayed record of birth accepted by the State Registrar of Vital Records shall be furnished by him to the official custodian of any permanent local file containing other records of births occurring during the same year as that established in the delayed record of birth.
(3) When the application does not contain documentation in support of the birth facts, as required by this Section or by regulation, or when the registration official finds reason to question the validity or adequacy of the record or the documentary evidence, the registration official shall not accept the delayed registration of birth and shall advise the applicant of the reasons for this action. In the event the deficiencies are not corrected, the State Registrar of Vital Records shall advise the applicant of his rights to appeal to a court of competent jurisdiction under the provisions of Section 15 of this Act.

410 ILCS 535/14

P.A. 84-1480.