405 ILCS 125/15

Current through Public Act 103-1059
Section 405 ILCS 125/15 - Housing is Recovery bridge rental subsidy

A bridge rental subsidy received by an individual (the "subsidy holder") pursuant to this Act shall mirror the subsidies issued by the Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health through the Moving On Program. The rental subsidy shall be for scattered-site rental units owned by a landlord or for rental units secured through a master lease. The rental subsidy shall assist the subsidy holder with monthly rental payments for rent that does not exceed the Fair Market Rent published annually for that year by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health, shall have the discretion to allow a subsidy to apply to rent up to 120% of the Fair Market Rent if this is justified by the lack of available affordable housing in the local housing market. Community Mental Health Centers certified pursuant to 59 Ill. Adm. Code 132 or supported housing service providers participating in this pilot program shall be responsible for assisting the subsidy holder with maintaining his or her housing that is supported by the bridge rental subsidy and either providing or coordinating engagement services with a mental health or substance use treatment provider.

(1) The subsidy holder shall be responsible for contributing 30% of his or her income toward the cost of rent (zero income does not preclude participation).
(2) The subsidy holder must agree to sign a lease with a landlord or a sublease agreement with the Community Mental Health Center or the housing services provider that has a master lease for the rental unit and agree to engagement services initiated by the supported housing provider, the Community Mental Health Center or contracted mental health or substance use treatment provider at least 2 times a month, with at least one of those visits being a home visit. The engagement services shall be permitted in a home-based or community-based setting, and do not require a clinic visit.
(3) A goal of this program is to encourage the subsidy holder to engage in mental health and substance use recovery support services or treatment when the individual is ready. However, this is a Housing First model that does not require abstinence from substance or alcohol use and does not require mental health or substance use treatment.
(4) If a subsidy holder does not have an income due to a psychiatric disability, he or she shall be offered the opportunity for assistance with filing a "SOAR application" (Supplemental Security Income (SSI)/Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), Outreach, Access and Recovery application) by the Community Mental Health Center participating in the Housing is Recovery program that is providing his or her mental health support or treatment within 6 months of the initiation of mental health services. If the subsidy holder is only receiving housing support services, the housing services provider must partner with a Community Mental Health Center to do SOAR applications for individuals who elect to apply for a psychiatric disability. A subsidy holder is not required to apply for a disability determination.
(5) The subsidy holder, if he or she is eligible, must apply for rental assistance or housing through the appropriate Public Housing Authority within 6 months of receiving a Housing is Recovery bridge rental subsidy or agree to apply when it is permissible to do so, and also be placed on the Illinois Housing Development Authority's Statewide Referral Network.

405 ILCS 125/15

Added by P.A. 102-0066,§ 15, eff. 7/9/2021.