70 ILCS 3720/3

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 70 ILCS 3720/3 - Continued operation of existing water commissions
(a) All water commissions (hereinafter referred to as "existing commissions") previously organized under that Act of the General Assembly known as the Water Commission Act (Public Act 83-1123), as amended, shall hereafter be deemed organized and operating under this Act of the General Assembly known as the Water Commission Act of 1985.
(b) The commissioners constituting the governing body of existing commissions shall not change by operation of this Act, and shall serve out their terms. Vacancies occurring in the offices of such commissioners shall be filled pursuant to the provisions of the Water Commission Act of 1985. Successors to commissioners of existing commissions who complete their terms shall be named pursuant to the provisions of the Water Commission Act of 1985.
(c) The territorial limits of existing commissions shall be as provided in the Water Commission Act of 1985.
(d) The organization and operation of existing commissions from the time of original organization thereof are hereby validated and approved. Such existing commissions shall be deemed and treated as validly organized county water commissions under the Water Commission Act of 1985 as if originally formed under the Water Commission Act of 1985. All acts of existing commissions from the time of organization thereof to the effective date of this Act, and not in conflict with the Constitution of this State or of the United States including all levies of taxes thereby, are hereby validated and approved to the fullest extent this General Assembly may do so.
(e) Any existing commission whose organization is deemed invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional by final and unappealable order of a court of competent jurisdiction shall first reconstitute as it existed prior to becoming subject to the provisions of the Water Commission Act, and, then, immediately, become subject to the provisions of the Water Commission Act of 1985 if included by the terms thereof.

70 ILCS 3720/3

P.A. 84-119.