70 ILCS 3405/9

Current through Public Act 103-593
Section 70 ILCS 3405/9 - Board of trustees

A board of trustees consisting of 5 members for the government and control of the affairs and business of a surface water protection district incorporated under this Act shall be appointed in the following manner:

(1) In case the territory of the district lies entirely within one county, for the district shall be appointed by the presiding officer of the county board with the advice and consent of the county board.
(2) In case the territory of the district lies within 2 or more counties, the number of trustees who are residents of a county shall be in proportion, as nearly as practicable, to the number of residents of the district who reside in that county in relation to the total population of the district.

Upon the expiration of the term of a trustee who is in office on the effective date of this amendatory Act, the successor shall be a resident of whichever county is entitled to such representation in order to bring about the proportional representation required herein, and he shall be appointed by the county board of that county, or in the case of a home rule county as defined in Article VII, Section 6 of the Constitution of 1970, the chief executive officer of that county, with the advice and consent of the county board.

Thereafter, each trustee shall be succeeded by a resident of the same county who shall be appointed by the same appointing authority; however, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply to the appointment of the successor to each trustee who is in office at the time of the publication of each decennial Federal census of population.

All trustees shall reside in the district. In the case of a district organized under Section 4a, the trustees need not be residents of the district until the circuit court of the judicial circuit in which the greatest portion of the proposed district is located determines that the petition proposing the district has complied with all of the provisions of this Act and warrants the appointment of the trustees therefrom. Trustees from districts created under Section 4a shall be appointed as provided hereinbefore. Not more than 2 trustees shall be residents of any one city, village or incorporated town in the district unless such city, village or incorporated town contains more than 50% of the population in the district as determined by the last preceding federal census.

Members of the original board shall hold office for terms of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years from the first Monday in May next following their appointment and until their successors have been appointed and qualified. The length of term of the first trustees shall be determined by lot at their first meeting and the board shall certify the determination to the authority which made the appointments.

Successors shall be appointed by the appointing authority which appointed the trustee whose term is expiring to serve for a term of 5 years from the first Monday in May and until a successor is appointed and qualified. Successor trustees shall be appointed on or before the second Monday in April of the year in which a term expires.

Before entering upon the duties of office each trustee shall take and subscribe to the constitutional oath of office and shall enter into bond with security to be approved by the appointing authority of the county from which he is appointed and in the sum as the appointing authority may determine. Both oath and bond shall be filed with the county clerk.

70 ILCS 3405/9

P.A. 79-855.