70 ILCS 3205/9

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 70 ILCS 3205/9 - Duties

In addition to the powers set forth elsewhere in this Act, subject to the terms of any agreements with the holders of the Authority's bonds or notes, the Authority shall:

(1) Comply with all zoning, building, and land use controls of the municipality within which is located any stadium facility owned by the Authority or for which the Authority provides financial assistance.
(2) With respect to a facility owned or to be owned by the Authority, enter or have entered into a management agreement with a tenant of the Authority to operate the facility that requires the tenant to operate the facility for a period at least as long as the term of any bonds issued to finance the development, establishment, construction, erection, acquisition, repair, reconstruction, remodeling, adding to, extension, improvement, equipping, operation, and maintenance of the facility. Such agreement shall contain appropriate and reasonable provisions with respect to termination, default and legal remedies.
(3) With respect to a facility owned or to be owned by a governmental owner other than the Authority, enter into an assistance agreement with either a governmental owner of a facility or its tenant, or both, that requires the tenant, or if the tenant is not a party to the assistance agreement requires the governmental owner to enter into an agreement with the tenant that requires the tenant to use the facility for a period at least as long as the term of any bonds issued to finance the reconstruction, renovation, remodeling, extension or improvement of all or substantially all of the facility.
(4) Create and maintain a separate financial reserve for repair and replacement of capital assets of any facility owned by the Authority or for which the Authority provides financial assistance and deposit into this reserve not less than $1,000,000 per year for each such facility beginning at such time as the Authority and the tenant, or the Authority and a governmental owner of a facility, as applicable, shall agree.
(5) In connection with prequalification of general contractors for the construction of a new stadium facility or the reconstruction, renovation, remodeling, extension, or improvement of all or substantially all of an existing facility, the Authority shall require submission of a commitment detailing how the general contractor will expend 25% or more of the dollar value of the general contract with one or more minority-owned businesses and 5% or more of the dollar value with one or more women-owned businesses . This commitment may be met by contractor's status as a minority-owned businesses or women-owned businesses , by a joint venture or by subcontracting a portion of the work with or by purchasing materials for the work from one or more such businesses , or by any combination thereof. Any contract with the general contractor for construction of the new stadium facility and any contract for the reconstruction, renovation, remodeling, adding to, extension or improvement of all or substantially all of an existing facility shall require the general contractor to meet the foregoing obligations and shall require monthly reporting to the Authority with respect to the status of the implementation of the contractor's affirmative action plan and compliance with that plan. This report shall be filed with the General Assembly. The Authority shall establish and maintain an affirmative action program designed to promote equal employment opportunity which specifies the goals and methods for increasing participation by minorities and women in a representative mix of job classifications required to perform the respective contracts. The Authority shall file a report before March 1 of each year with the General Assembly detailing its implementation of this paragraph. The terms "minority-owned businesses", "women-owned businesses", and "business owned by a person with a disability" have the meanings given to those terms in the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women , and Persons with Disabilities Act.
(6) Provide for the construction of any new facility pursuant to one or more contracts which require delivery of a completed facility at a fixed maximum price to be insured or guaranteed by a third party determined by the Authority to be financially capable of causing completion of such construction of the new facility.

In connection with any assistance agreement with a governmental owner that provides financial assistance for a facility to be used by a National Football League team, the assistance agreement shall provide that the Authority or its agent shall enter into the contract or contracts for the design and construction services or design/build services for such facility and thereafter transfer its rights and obligations under the contract or contracts to the governmental owner of the facility. In seeking parties to provide design and construction services or design/build services with respect to such facility, the Authority may use such procurement procedures as it may determine, including, without limitation, the selection of design professionals and construction managers or design/builders as may be required by a team that is at risk, in whole or in part, for the cost of design and construction of the facility.

An assistance agreement may not provide, directly or indirectly, for the payment to the Chicago Park District of more than a total of $10,000,000 on account of the District's loss of property or revenue in connection with the renovation of a facility pursuant to the assistance agreement.

70 ILCS 3205/9

Amended by P.A. 100-0391,§ 105, eff. 8/25/2017.
P.A. 85-1034; 91-935, eff. 6/1/2001. 92-16, eff. 6/28/2001.