70 ILCS 1920/10

Current through Public Act 103-593
Section 70 ILCS 1920/10 - Creation; duration

There is created a body politic and corporate, a unit of local government, named the West Cook Railroad Relocation and Development Authority, embracing that portion of Proviso Township embracing that portion of the Village of Bellwood and the Village of Melrose Park from St. Charles Road on the South to Lake Street on the North, and from the Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad on the West to 22nd Avenue on the East, Cook County, Illinois and the Village of Maywood, Cook County, Illinois. The Authority shall continue in existence until the accomplishment of its objective, the relocation of the railroad tracks and 25th Avenue, the grade separation of railroads from the right of way and at-grade crossing closures within the Village of Bellwood and the Village of Melrose Park, the grade separation of railroads from the right-of-way and at grade crossing in the First Avenue vicinity between Lake Street, Oak Street, the Des Plaines River, and Fifth Avenue, and the establishment of a transit-oriented intersurface modal development facility in the project area, or until the Authority officially resolves that it is impossible or economically unfeasible to fulfill that objective.

70 ILCS 1920/10

P.A. 91-562, eff. 8/14/1999.