70 ILCS 1905/8

Current through Public Act 103-593
Section 70 ILCS 1905/8 - Board of Commissioners

The Commissioners appointed in pursuance of the foregoing provisions of this Act shall constitute the Board of Commissioners of the Railroad Terminal Authority. The government, control and management of the affairs of the Railroad Terminal Authority shall be vested in the Board of Commissioners and such Board shall possess and exercise all of the powers granted under this Act and such other powers not inconsistent with this Act, as may be necessary to effectuate the purposes of this Act.

The Board of Commissioners shall elect or appoint a Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Director and such other officers as they deem necessary and fix the term of office for each. The Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Director and such other officers may, but need not be Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners may elect or appoint the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners as Executive Director of said Authority and fix his compensation as Executive Director prior to the time of his entering upon any of the duties as Executive Director, which compensation shall be in addition to any compensation said Chairman may be entitled to as a member of the Board of Commissioners, and such compensation shall not be changed during his term of office. The Executive Director shall devote his entire time to the business and affairs of the Commission and shall have no other gainful employment. In the event that the Chairman is elected or appointed Executive Director of the Authority, his term of office shall coincide with his term of office as Chairman of the Board of Commissioners. Compensation of the Secretary and Treasurer and such other officers as the Board of Commissioners may provide for shall be fixed by the Board of Commissioners prior to the time of entering upon the duties of their respective offices and shall not be changed during the term of office of any such officer, and in the event any such officer is a Commissioner the compensation shall be in addition to any compensation said officer is entitled to receive as a Commissioner.

The Board of Commissioners shall adopt a corporate seal, by-laws, and rules and regulations suitable to the purposes of this Act, which shall provide a time for the election of officers and of other regular and special meetings of the Commissioners, and shall contain the rules for the transaction of other business of such Railroad Terminal Authority and for amending such by-laws, rules and regulations.

Said Board of Commissioners shall have full powers to pass all necessary ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations for the proper management and conduct of the business of said Board of Commissioners and of said Railroad Terminal Authority and for carrying into effect the object for which such Railroad Terminal Authority is created.

70 ILCS 1905/8

Laws 1957, p. 786.