70 ILCS 1830/2
When used in this Act:
"Port District" or "District" means the Kaskaskia Regional Port District created by this Act.
"Terminal" means a public place, station or depot for receiving and delivering baggage, mail, freight, express matter or raw materials and for any combination of such purposes, in connection with transportation by water of persons and property.
"Terminal facilities" means all lands, buildings, structures, improvements, equipment, appliances, conveyances, and other methods of transportation useful in the operation of public warehouse, storage and transportation facilities for water commerce.
"Port facilities" means all public structures, except terminal facilities as defined herein, that are in, over, under or adjacent to navigable waters and are necessary for or incident to the furtherance of water commerce; and includes the widening and deepening of slips, anchorage, harbors and navigable waters.
"Navigable waters" means any public waters which are or can be made usable for water commerce.
"Governmental agency" means the Federal, State and any local governmental body, and any agency or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, thereof.
"Person" means any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, both domestic and foreign company, association or joint stock association; and includes any trustee, receiver, assignee or personal representative thereof.
"Board" means Kaskaskia Regional Port District Board.
"Governor" means the Governor of the State of Illinois.
70 ILCS 1830/2