70 ILCS 1825/4.9
To establish, maintain, extend and improve roadways and approaches by land, water or air to any such airport and to contract or otherwise provide, by condemnation if necessary, for the removal of any airport hazard or the removal or relocation of all private structures, railways, mains, pipes, conduits, wires, poles, and all other facilities and equipment which may interfere with the location, expansion, development, or improvement of airports or with the safe approach thereto or take-off therefrom by aircraft, and to pay the cost of removal or relocation; and, subject to the "Airport Zoning Act", approved July 17, 1945, as amended, to adopt, administer and enforce airport zoning regulations for territory which is within its corporate limits or which extends not more than 2 miles beyond its corporate limits.
70 ILCS 1825/4.9