70 ILCS 1810/2
When used in this Act:
"District" means the Illinois International Port District created by this Act. "Lake Calumet area" means that area in and about Lake Calumet, in Cook County, Illinois, described in the deed heretofore made by the City of Chicago to the District dated April 19, 1955, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois on the 22nd day of April 1955 as Document number 16212736.
"Terminal" means a public place, station, depot, or area for receiving and delivering articles, commodities, baggage, mail, freight or express matter and for any combination of such purposes in connection with the transportation and movement by water and land of persons and property.
"Terminal facilities" means all lands, buildings, structures, improvements, equipment and appliances useful in the operation of public warehouse, storage and transportation facilities for water and land commerce and for handling, docking, storing and servicing small boats and pleasure craft.
"Port facilities" means all public and other buildings, structures, works, improvements and equipment except terminal facilities as defined herein and that are upon, in, over, under, adjacent or near to navigable waters, harbors, slips and basins, and are necessary or useful for or incident to the furtherance of water and land commerce and the operation of small boats and pleasure craft and includes the widening and deepening of basins, slips, harbors and navigable waters. "Port facilities" also means all lands, buildings, structures, improvements, equipment, and appliances located on District property that are used for industrial, manufacturing, commercial, or recreational purposes.
"Navigable waters" means any public waters which are or can be made usable for water commerce.
"Governmental agency" means the Federal, State and any local governmental body, and any agency or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, thereof.
"Person" means any individual, firm, partnership, trust, corporation, both domestic and foreign, company, association or joint stock association; and includes any trustee, receiver, assignee or personal representative thereof.
"Board" means Illinois International Port District Board.
"Governor" means the Governor of the State of Illinois.
"Mayor" means the Mayor of the City of Chicago.
"Senator Dan Dougherty Harbor" means the inundated land in Lake Calumet in Cook County, Illinois.
"Federal Navigational Channel" means the 27 foot deep channel in Lake Calumet approximately 3,000 feet long and 1,000 feet wide authorized by Section 101 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1962, ( P.L. 87-874 ), and described in House Document No. 581, 87th Cong., 2nd Session.
70 ILCS 1810/2