70 ILCS 1205/9-1d

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 70 ILCS 1205/9-1d - Rate charged for use of facilities

Each park district which issues bonds and constructs a swimming pool, or an artificial ice skating rink, under Section 9-1 hereof shall charge for the use thereof at a rate which at all times is sufficient to pay maintenance and operation cost, depreciation, and the principal and interest on the bonds. Such district may make, enact, and enforce all needful rules and regulations for the construction, acquisition, improvement, extension, management, maintenance, care and protection of its swimming pool, or its artificial ice skating rink, and for the use thereof. Charges or rates for the use of the swimming pool, or the artificial ice skating rink, shall be such as the board may from time to time determine.

While any bond issued under Section 9--1 hereof is outstanding, such district is required to maintain and operate its swimming pool, or its artificial ice skating rink, as long as it can do so, out of the revenue derived from the operation thereof. It shall not sell, loan, mortgage, or in any other manner dispose of the swimming pool, or the artificial ice skating rink, until all of the bonds so issued have been paid in full, both principal and interest, or until provision has been made for the payment of all of the bonds and interest thereon in full. Nothing in this paragraph shall, however, prohibit any park district from leasing any such swimming pool or artificial ice skating rink to any municipality, school district, or other unit of local government, or from entering into any other agreement with any municipality, school district, or other unit of local government by which lease or other agreement such swimming pool or artificial ice skating rink may be operated and/or used in whole or in part by or for such municipality, school district or other unit of local government, where such lease or other agreement is not prohibited by the terms of such revenue bonds or the ordinance of the park district authorizing them and where the revenues of the park district derived from such lease or other agreement are deposited in the fund required by Section 9-1c hereof in connection with such revenue bonds.

Such a park district shall install and maintain a proper system of accounts, showing the amount of revenue received from the operation of its swimming pool, or its artificial ice skating rink. At least once each year, the district shall have the accounts properly audited. A report of this audit shall be open for public inspection at all times.

70 ILCS 1205/9-1d

P.A. 79-356.