70 ILCS 410/18

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 70 ILCS 410/18 - Petition to dissolve district

Not less than 10% of the voters of a district which has been in existence for at least 3 years may petition the circuit court of the county within the district having the largest population to cause the question to be submitted to the voters of such district whether the district will dissolve.

Upon the filing of such petition with the circuit court, the circuit clerk shall give notice of the time and place of a hearing upon the subject of the petition which shall be inserted in one or more daily or weekly newspapers published within the district and furnished to the board of the conservation district, the Department of Natural Resources, and the county board of each county within the district at least 20 days before such hearing. If no daily or weekly newspaper is published within such district, notice may be given by posting at least 15 copies in each county in such district at least 20 days before such hearing in conspicuous public places as far separated from each other as reasonably possible.

At the time and place fixed for such public hearing the circuit court shall hear all persons who desire to be heard, and if the circuit court shall find that the provisions of this Act have been complied with then the court shall order a referendum to be held in the district to determine the question of dissolution of the district. The clerk of the circuit court shall certify the question to the proper election officials who shall submit the question to the voters of the district in accordance with the general election law.

The clerk of the circuit court shall cause a statement of the results of such referendum to be entered of record in the circuit court, and if such district shall lie in more than one county, a certified copy thereof shall be filed with the clerk of the circuit court of each such other county who shall enter the same of record in the circuit court of such county. If a majority of the votes cast in the referendum are in favor of the dissolution of the conservation district, such district shall thenceforth be deemed to be dissolved.

If the vote is not in favor of the dissolution of the district, the proposition to dissolve the district shall not again be submitted to a vote for a period of 3 years. If the vote is in favor of dissolution of the district, the board shall close up the affairs of the district and make the necessary conveyances of the property of the district.

All money remaining after the business affairs of the conservation district have been closed up and all the debts and obligations of the district have been paid shall be paid to the county in which such district is located. If the district is located in more than one county, then all such money remaining shall be paid to each county on a pro rata basis of the assessed value of property of the district located in each county. All conveyances of real property shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Natural Resources and the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission.

If there are any bonds of the conservation district outstanding and unpaid at the time the district is dissolved, such district shall remain liable for such bond indebtedness and the district may continue to levy and extend taxes upon the taxable property in such territory for the purpose of amortizing such bonds until such time as the bonds are retired.

70 ILCS 410/18

P.A. 89-445, eff. 2/7/1996.