70 ILCS 410/12

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 70 ILCS 410/12 - Powers

To the extent necessary to carry out the purpose of this Act and in addition to any other powers, duties and functions vested in a district by law, but subject to such limitations and restrictions as are imposed elsewhere by this Act or another law, a district is authorized and empowered:

(a) To adopt by-laws, adopt and use a common seal, enter into contracts, acquire and hold real and personal estate and take such other actions as may be necessary for the proper conduct of its affairs.
(b) To make and publish all ordinances, rules and regulations necessary for the management and protection of its property and the conduct of its affairs.
(c) To study and ascertain the district's wildland and other open space resources and outdoor recreation facilities, the need for preserving such resources and providing such facilities and the extent to which such needs are being currently met and to prepare and adopt a co-ordinated plan of areas and facilities to meet such needs.
(d) To acquire by gift, legacy, purchase, condemnation in the manner provided for the exercise of the right of eminent domain under the Eminent Domain Act , lease, agreement or otherwise the fee or any lesser right or interest in real property and to hold the same with or without public access for open space, wildland, scenic roadway, pathway, outdoor recreation, or other conservation benefits. A district that is entirely within a county of under 200,000 inhabitants and contiguous to a county of more than 2,000,000 inhabitants and that is authorized by referendum as provided in subsection (d) of Section 15 to incur indebtedness over 0.575% but not to exceed 1.725% may acquire an interest in real estate by condemnation only if approved by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the total number of trustees authorized for that district; such a district may exchange, sell, or otherwise dispose of any portion of any interest in real estate acquired by it by any means within 2 years of acquiring that interest, provided that a public hearing on the exchange, sale or other disposition of such real estate or interest therein is held prior to such action.

The Department of Natural Resources, the county board, or the governing body of any municipality, district or public corporation may, upon request of the conservation district, set apart and transfer any real or personal property owned or controlled by it and not devoted or dedicated to any other inconsistent public use, to the conservation district. In acquiring or accepting land or rights thereto, due consideration shall be given to its open space, outdoor recreation or other conservation values and no real property shall be acquired or accepted which in the opinion of the district or the Department of Natural Resources is of low value from the standpoint of its proposed use.

(e) To classify, designate, plan, develop, preserve, administer and maintain all areas, places and facilities in which it has an interest, and construct, reconstruct, alter and renew buildings and other structures, and equip and maintain the same.
(f) To accept gifts, grants, legacies, contributions and appropriations of money and other personal property for conservation purposes.
(g) To employ and fix the compensation of an executive officer who shall be responsible to the board for the carrying out of its policies. The executive officer shall have the power, subject to the approval of the board, to employ and fix the compensation of such assistants and employees as the board may consider necessary for carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Act.
(h) To charge and collect reasonable fees for the use of such facilities, privileges and conveniences as may be provided.
(i) To police its property and to exercise police powers in respect thereto or in respect to the enforcement of any rule or regulation provided by the ordinances of the district and to employ and commission police officers and other qualified persons to enforce the same.
(j) To undertake studies pertaining to the natural history, archaeology, history or conservation of natural resources of the county.
(k) To lease land for a period not longer than 50 years from the date of the lease to a responsible person, firm, or corporation for construction, reconstruction, alteration, renewal, equipment, furnishing, extension, development, operation and maintenance of lodges, housekeeping and sleeping cabins, swimming pools, golf courses, campgrounds, sand beaches, marinas, convention and entertainment centers, roads and parking areas, and other related buildings and facilities. In any lease of land leased pursuant to this subsection (k), upon expiration of the lease title to all structures on the leased land shall be vested in the district.
(l) To lease any building or facility constructed, reconstructed, altered, renewed, equipped, furnished, extended, developed, and maintained by the district to a responsible person, firm, or corporation for operation or development, or both, and maintenance for a period not longer than 20 years from the date of the lease.

70 ILCS 410/12

Amended by P.A. 094-1055, § 95-10-95, eff. 1/1/2007.
P.A. 89-445, eff. 2-7-96.