70 ILCS 405/26b.6

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 70 ILCS 405/26b.6 - Governing body of sub-district

The governing body of any sub-district shall consist of 5 sub-district directors, of legal voting age, who shall be owners of land within the sub-district or resident occupiers of land within the sub-district, in which they serve. Nominating petitions shall be filed and the election of such sub-district directors shall be conducted and held in the manner provided in Section 20 of this Act with respect to the election of directors. The 5 nominees receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. After the first such election, the sub-district directors shall be divided into 3 classes, each consisting as nearly as may be of one-third of the entire number of sub-district directors and one class of sub-district directors shall be elected each year. The term of office of the members of the first sub-district board shall be determined by lot following their election and 2 shall hold office for 3 years, 2 for 2 years and one for one year. Their successors shall hold office for 3 years and shall be nominated and elected, in the manner provided in Section 20 of this Act, in the years in which the respective terms of office of the members of the sub-district board expire.

The governing body of the sub-district shall designate from its membership, a chairman, vice chairman and secretary-treasurer, to serve for a term of one year.

At the close of the fiscal year of each sub-district, a report of the operations of the sub-district for the year, including a report of receipts and expenditures, shall be filed with the board of directors of each Soil and Water Conservation District within which the sub-district or any part thereof lies.

Each sub-district director shall receive for his services while actually engaged in the business of the sub-district, a sum of not to exceed $20 per day, to be fixed by ordinance. No sub-district director may receive compensation under this sub-section on any day for which he receives compensation under Section 21 of this Act.

70 ILCS 405/26b.6

P.A. 79-1003.