70 ILCS 5/8.13

Current through Public Act 103-593
Section 70 ILCS 5/8.13 - Establishment of rules and regulations

To establish by ordinance of its Board of Commissioners all needful rules and regulations for the execution of the foregoing powers, for the government of the authority and for the protection of any public airport and airport facility within the jurisdiction of the authority, or deemed necessary or desirable to effect its corporate objectives. Any such ordinance may provide for the revocation, cancellation or suspension of any existing privilege or franchise as a penalty for a second or subsequent violation by the holder thereof of a rule or regulation pertaining to the enjoyment, use or exercise of such privilege or franchise.

The use of any such public airport or public airport facility of an Authority shall be subject to the reasonable regulation and control of the Authority and upon such reasonable terms and conditions as shall be established by its board of commissioners.

Nothing in this Act authorizes the Authority or Board to establish or enforce any regulation or rule in respect to aviation, or the operation or maintenance of any airport or any airport facility within its jurisdiction, which is to conflict with any federal or state law or regulation applicable to the same subject matter.

70 ILCS 5/8.13

P. A. 76-968.