65 ILCS 5/9-2-9

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 65 ILCS 5/9-2-9 - Preliminary procedure for local improvements by special assessment

All ordinances for local improvements to be paid for wholly or in part by special assessment or special taxation shall originate with the board of local improvements. Petitions for any local improvement shall be addressed to that board. The board may originate a scheme for any local improvement to be paid for by special assessment or special tax, either with or without a petition, and in either case shall adopt a resolution describing the proposed improvement. This resolution may provide that specifications for the proposed improvement be made part of the resolution by reference to specifications previously adopted by resolution by the municipality, or to specifications adopted or published by the State of Illinois or a political subdivision thereof, provided that a copy of the specifications so adopted by reference is on file in the office of the clerk of the municipality. This resolution shall be at once transcribed into the records of the board.

The proposed local improvement may consist of the acquisition of the necessary interests in real property and the construction of any public improvement or any combination of public improvements, including, but not limited to, streets, storm drain sewers, water mains, sanitary sewer improvements, sidewalks, walkways, bicycle paths, landscaping, lighting improvements, signage improvements, vehicular parking improvements, any additional improvements necessary to provide access to the public improvements, and all necessary appurtenances in a local contiguous area pursuant to a single special assessment project, provided that in assessing each lot, block, tract, and parcel of property, the commissioner so assessing shall take into consideration whether each lot, block, tract, or parcel is benefited by all or only some of the improvements combined into the single special assessment project. For purposes hereof, a local contiguous area shall be defined as an area in which all of the lots, blocks, tracts, or parcels located within the boundaries thereof will be benefited by one or more of the proposed improvements. The fact that more than one improvement is being constructed as part of a single special assessment project shall not be grounds for an objection by an assessee to the special assessment proceeding in court.

Whenever the proposed improvement requires that private or public property be taken or damaged, the resolution shall describe the property proposed to be taken or damaged for that purpose. The board, by the same resolution, shall fix a day and hour for a public hearing thereon. The hearing shall not be less than 10 days after the adoption of the resolution. The board shall also have an estimate of the cost of the improvement (omitting land to be acquired) made in writing by the engineer of the board, (if there is an engineer, if not, then by the president) over his signature. This estimate shall be itemized to the satisfaction of the board and shall be made a part of the record of the resolution. However, such an estimate is not required in municipalities having a population of 100,000 or more when the proposed improvement consists only of taking or damaging private or public property. And in cities and villages which have adopted prior to the effective date of this Code or which after the effective date of this Code adopt the commission form of municipal government, the estimate of the cost of the improvement, (omitting land to be acquired), shall be made in writing by the public engineer if there is one, of the city or village, if not, then by the mayor or president of the city or village.

Notice of the time and place of the public hearing shall be sent by mail directed to the person who paid the general taxes for the last preceding year on each lot, block, tract, or parcel of land fronting on the proposed improvement not less than 5 days prior to the time set for the public hearing. These notices shall contain (1) the substance of the resolution adopted by the board, (2) when an estimate is required by this Division 2 the estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, and (3) a notification that the extent, nature, kind, character, and (when an estimate is required by this article) the estimated cost of the proposed improvement may be changed by the board at the public hearing thereon. If upon the hearing the board deems the proposed improvement desirable, it shall adopt a resolution and prepare and submit an ordinance therefor. But in proceedings only for the laying, building, constructing, or renewing of any sidewalk, water service pipe, or house drain, no resolution, public hearing, or preliminary proceedings leading up to the same are necessary. In such proceedings the board may submit to the corporate authorities an ordinance, together with its recommendation and (when an estimate is required) the estimated cost of the improvement, as made by the engineer. Such proceedings shall have the same effect as though a public hearing had been held thereon.

In the event that a local improvement is to be constructed with the assistance of any agency of the Federal government, or other governmental agency, the resolution of the board of local improvements shall set forth that fact and the estimate of cost shall set forth and indicate, in dollars and cents, the estimated amount of assistance to be so provided.

65 ILCS 5/9-2-9

Amended by P.A. 093-0196, § 10, eff. 1/1/2004.
P.A. 90-480, eff. 8-17-97.