65 ILCS 5/8-12-15

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 65 ILCS 5/8-12-15 - Initial Financial Plan

The financially distressed city shall develop, adopt and submit to the Authority, within 45 days after this Division first becomes applicable to the city as provided in Section 8-12-4, for approval by the Authority, an initial Financial Plan with respect to the remaining portion of what is the city's current fiscal year at the time this Division first becomes applicable to the city as provided in Section 8-12-4 and for the 2 succeeding fiscal years. The city shall develop and adopt subsequent Financial Plans annually and during interim periods as directed by the Authority. Interim updates shall be directed only when the Authority in its discretion determines that a change in circumstances warrants such an update. The Authority shall require that each Financial Plan cover a period of at least 3 fiscal years. After adoption by the city, the city shall submit each plan to the Authority for its approval not later than 60 days prior to the commencement of the first fiscal year to which the Financial Plan relates. The Authority shall approve or reject the Financial Plan not later than 30 days prior to the commencement of the fiscal year. No Financial Plan shall have force or effect without approval of the Authority. Each Financial Plan shall be developed, submitted, approved and monitored in accordance with the following procedures:

(1) The financially distressed city shall determine and submit to the Authority, at a time and in a manner prescribed by the Authority, estimates of revenues available to the city during the period for which the Financial Plan is to be in effect. The Authority shall approve, reject or amend the revenue estimates. In the event the city fails, for any reason, to submit to the Authority estimates of revenue as required by this paragraph, the Authority may prepare such estimates. The Financial Plan submitted by the city shall be based upon revenue estimates approved or prepared by the Authority. As soon as practicable following the establishment of the Authority, the corporate authorities of the city shall, at the request of the Chairperson of the Authority, make available to such Chairperson copies of the audited financial statements and of the books and records of account of the city for the preceding 3 fiscal years of the city.
(2) Each Financial Plan for each fiscal year or part thereof to which it relates, shall contain: (i) a description of revenues and expenditures, provision for debt service, cash resources and uses, and capital improvements, each in such manner and detail as the Authority shall prescribe; (ii) a description of the means by which the Budget will be brought into balance in accordance with Section 8-12-14; and (iii) such other financial matters that the Authority, in its discretion, requires. The Authority may prescribe any reasonable time, standards, procedures or forms for preparation and submission of the Financial Plan.
(3) The Authority shall approve the initial and each subsequent Financial Plan if, in its judgement, the plan is complete, is reasonably capable of being achieved, and meets the requirement set forth in Section 8-12-14. Otherwise, the Authority shall reject the Financial Plan. The Authority's review of the Financial Plan shall be in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and standards. No Financial Plan submitted by the financially distressed city shall be arbitrarily or capriciously rejected by the Authority. Any rejection by the Authority of any Financial Plan submitted by the city shall be in writing and shall state the reasons for the rejection. In the event of rejection, the Authority may prescribe a procedure and standards for revision of the Financial Plan by the financially distressed city.
(4) The financially distressed city shall report to the Authority, at such times and in such manner as the Authority may direct, concerning the city's compliance with each Financial Plan. The Authority may review the city's operation, obtain budgetary data and financial statements, require the city to produce reports, and have access to any other information in the possession of the city that it deems relevant to the Financial Plan and the city's compliance with that Plan. The Authority may issue recommendations or directives within its powers to the city to assure compliance with the Financial Plan. The city shall produce such budgetary data, financial statements, reports and other information and comply with such directives.
(5) After approval of each Financial Plan, the financially distressed city shall regularly reexamine the revenue and expenditure estimates on which it was based and revise them as necessary. The city shall promptly notify the Authority of any material change in the revenue or expenditure estimates in the Financial Plan. The city may submit to the Authority, or the Authority may require the city to submit, modified Financial Plans based upon revised revenue or expenditure estimates or for any other good reason. The Authority shall approve or reject each modified Financial Plan pursuant to paragraph (3) of this Section.

65 ILCS 5/8-12-15

P.A. 86-1211.