50 ILCS 20/4

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 50 ILCS 20/4 - Determination of need

The governing body of any municipality with 3,000 or more inhabitants or any county seat or the county board of any county may, by resolution adopted by a majority of its members, determine that there is need and that it is in the best interest of the public that a Public Building Commission be organized to exercise the powers and authority prescribed by this Act and it shall therein set forth the name of the Public Building Commission to be created hereunder, provided, however, that the words "Public Building Commission" shall form part of its name. After the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1992, if the original resolution for the creation of a Public Building Commission has been adopted by the governing body of a municipality with 3,000 or more inhabitants or a county seat, or a county board, the resolution shall be submitted to the voters of such municipality, county seat, or county at an election in accordance with the general election law. The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:

Shall the Public Building Commission of (name of municipality) be created and organized to exercise the powers and authority prescribed by the Public Building Commission Act?

The votes shall be recorded as "Yes" or "No". If a majority of the votes cast upon the proposition are in favor thereof, the Public Building Commission of such municipality or county shall be created and organized in the manner hereinafter provided. The presiding officer of the municipality with 3,000 or more inhabitants, county seat, or county board shall within 10 days after the date of the approval of the proposition by the voters, cause a copy of the resolution to be published once in a daily newspaper published in the county seat and if there be no newspaper published in that county seat, then in a newspaper published in the county having a circulation in that county seat. Any municipal corporation which has the power of taxation under the laws of this State and any part of whose area of jurisdiction lies within the territorial limits of that county seat may join in the organization of the Public Building Commission in the manner hereinafter set forth in this section. The governing body of any municipal corporation meeting the foregoing requirement and desiring to join in the organization of the Public Building Commission, shall, by a majority vote of its members and within 45 days from the date of such publication, adopt a resolution to that effect. The presiding officer of each municipal corporation adopting such a resolution signifying its desire to join in the organization of the Public Building Commission, shall, within 15 days after the date of adoption thereof, transmit a copy of the resolution duly certified by the proper officer of that municipal corporation to be true and correct, to the presiding officer of the municipality, county seat or county board adopting the original resolution.

Within the 10 day period following the expiration of 60 days after the date of publication of the original resolution, it shall be the duty of the presiding officer of the municipality, county seat or county board adopting the original resolution to file in the office of the recorder in and for that county under one cover a certified copy of the resolution adopted by such municipality, county seat, or county board together with a certificate by the publisher of the newspaper of the publication of such resolution and the date of publication and all of the certified copies transmitted to him as hereinabove provided by the municipal corporations, if any, joining in the organization of the Public Building Commission.

Upon such filing in the office of the recorder the Public Building Commission shall be deemed to be organized as a municipal corporation and body politic.

In any county having a population of at least 350,000 but less than 1,000,000 inhabitants, more than one Public Building Commission may be organized to exercise the essential governmental powers and functions herein granted and such a county may establish a Public Building Commission even though a municipality within the county already has one established under this Act.

Not more than one Public Building Commission shall be organized by a single unit of local government.

50 ILCS 20/4

P.A. 87-1208; 88-45.