5 ILCS 490/80

Current through Public Act 103-593
Section 5 ILCS 490/80 - Retired Teachers' Week
(a) The progress of this State, this nation, and in fact all civilization is due to the passing on of knowledge from one generation to the next. The burden of the transmittal and expansion of this body of knowledge has historically been borne by our teachers. The teachers of this State have tirelessly and selflessly taken on the noble and sacred trust of educating and training our children. The State of Illinois is proud to be the home of many teachers who have retired after spending most of their lives rendering this priceless service. The State of Illinois, in appreciation of this service, bestows upon the retired teachers of the State the recognition and honor they deserve.
(b) The fourth week of May of each year is designated as Retired Teachers' Week. The Governor may annually issue a proclamation designating the fourth week of May as Retired Teachers' Week and calling upon public schools and citizens of the State to observe the occasion and honor the retired teachers of the State.

5 ILCS 490/80

P.A. 87-272.