45 ILCS 110/1

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 45 ILCS 110/1 - Additional powers

In further effectuation of that certain compact between the States of Missouri and Illinois heretofore made and entered into on September 20, 949, the Bi-State Development Agency, created by and under the aforesaid compact, is authorized to exercise the following powers in addition to those heretofore expressly authorized by the aforesaid compact:

(1) To acquire by gift, purchase or lease, sell or otherwise dispose of, and to plan, construct, operate and maintain, or lease to others for operation and maintenance, airports, wharves, docks, harbors, and industrial parks adjacent to and necessary and convenient thereto, bridges, tunnels, warehouses, grain elevators, commodity and other storage facilities, sewage disposal plants, passenger transportation facilities, and air, water, rail, motor vehicle and other terminal or parking facilities;
(2) To acquire by gift, purchase or lease; to plan, construct, operate, maintain, or lease to or contract with others for operation and maintenance; or lease, sell or otherwise dispose of to any person, firm or corporation, subject to such mortgage, pledge or other security arrangement that the Bi-State Development Agency may require, facilities for the receiving, transferring, sorting, processing, treatment, storage, recovery and disposal of refuse or waste, and facilities for the production, conversion, recovery, storage, use, or use and sale of refuse or waste derived resources, fuel or energy and industrial parks adjacent to and necessary and convenient thereto;
(3) To acquire by gift, purchase or lease, to plan, construct, operate, maintain, or lease to or contract with others for operation and maintenance; or lease, sell or otherwise dispose of to any person, firm or corporation, subject to such mortgage, pledge, or other security arrangements that the Bi-State Development Agency may require, a development project described as a world trade center consisting of one or more buildings, structures, improvements and areas necessary, convenient, or desirable for the centralized accommodation of functions, activities and services for or incidental to the transportation of persons, and the exchange, buying, selling and transporting of commodities and other property in world trade and commerce, the promotion and protection of such trade and commerce, government services, including but not limited to customs houses, customs stores, inspection and appraisal facilities, foreign trade zone, terminal and transportation facilities, parking areas, offices, storage, warehouse, marketing and exhibition facilities and other facilities, and accommodations for persons and property;
(4) To contract with municipalities or other political subdivisions for the services or use of any facility owned or operated by the Bi-State Agency, or owned or operated by any such municipality or other political subdivision. The Agency is authorized and empowered to cooperate with the States of Illinois and Missouri, with any municipality, with the Federal government and with any agency or commission of any one or more of the foregoing, or with any one or more of them, for and in connection with the acquisition, clearance, replanning, rehabilitation, reconstruction or redevelopment of a world trade center area or of any other area forming part of a development project for the purpose of renewal and improvement of said area and for any of the purposes of this Act, and to enter into an agreement or agreements (and from time to time to enter into agreements amending or supplementing the same) with any such municipality, commission or agency and with the States of Illinois and Missouri and with the Federal government, or with any one or more of them, for or relating to such purposes;
(5) To borrow money for any of the authorized purposes of the Bi-State Development Agency, and to issue the negotiable notes, bonds or other instruments in writing of the Bi-State Development Agency in evidence of the sum or sums so to be borrowed;
(6) To issue negotiable refunding notes, bonds or other instruments in writing for the purpose of refunding, extending or unifying the whole or any part of its valid indebtedness from time to time outstanding, whether evidenced by notes, bonds or other instruments in writing;
(7) To provide that all negotiable notes, bonds or other instruments in writing issued either pursuant to subparagraph (4) or pursuant to subparagraph (5) hereof shall be payable, both as to principal and interest, out of the revenues collected for the use of any facility or combination of facilities owned or operated or owned and operated by the Bi-State Development Agency, or out of any other resources of the Bi-State Development Agency, and may be further secured by a mortgage or deed of trust upon any property owned by the Bi-State Development Agency. All notes, bonds or other instruments in writing issued by the Bi-State Development Agency as herein provided shall mature in not to exceed 40 years from the date thereof, shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding 14% per annum, and shall be sold for not less than 95% of the par value thereof. The Bi-State Development Agency shall have the power to prescribe the details of such notes, bonds or other instruments in writing, and of the issuance and sale thereof, and shall have power to enter into covenants with the holders of such notes, bonds or other instruments in writing, not inconsistent with the powers herein granted to the Bi-State Development Agency, without further legislative authority;
(8) To condemn any and all rights or property, of any kind or character, necessary for the purposes of the Bi-State Development Agency, subject, however, to the provisions of the aforesaid compact; provided, however, that no rights or property of any kind or character, now or hereafter owned, leased, controlled, operated or used, in whole or in part, by any common carrier engaged in interstate commerce, or by any grain elevator, shall be taken or appropriated by the Bi-State Development Agency without first obtaining the written consent and approval of such common carrier or of the owner or operator of such grain elevator. If the property to be condemned be situated in the State of Illinois, the said Agency shall follow the procedure of the Act of the State of Illinois providing for the exercise of the right of eminent domain, and if the property to be condemned be situated in the State of Missouri, the said Agency shall follow the procedure provided by the Laws of the State of Missouri for the appropriation of land or other property taken for telegraph, telephone or railroad rights-of-way;
(9) To contract and to be contracted with, to enter into limited partnerships and joint ventures for any purpose authorized by this compact, and to sue and to be sued in contract;
(10) To issue bonds for industrial, manufacturing or commercial facilities located within the Bi-State Metropolitan District upon the security of the revenue to be derived from such facilities; and, or upon any property held or to be held by it.

The State of Illinois may not expend any funds for any purpose connected with the projects authorized pursuant to this amendatory Act of 1985.

45 ILCS 110/1

P.A. 84-247.
Amended by P.A. 096-1520,§ 5, eff. 2/4/2011.