40 ILCS 5/7-137.1

Current through Public Act 103-1052
Section 40 ILCS 5/7-137.1 - Elected officials
(a) A person holding an elective office who has elected to participate in the Fund while in that office may revoke that election and cease participating in the Fund by notifying the Board in writing before January 1, 1992.

Upon such revocation, the person shall forfeit all creditable service earned while holding that office, and the Board shall refund to the person, without interest, all employee contributions paid for the forfeited creditable service. The Board shall also refund or credit to the employing municipality, without interest, the employer contributions relating to the forfeited service, except those for death and disability.

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 7-141 and 7-144, beginning January 1, 1992, a person who holds an elective office and has not elected to participate in the Fund with respect to that office (or has revoked his election to participate with respect to that office under subsection (a) of this Section) shall not be disqualified from receiving a retirement annuity by reason of holding such office, provided that the annuity is not based on any credits received for participating while holding that office.

40 ILCS 5/7-137.1

P.A. 87-740.